Rostec to spend $6 billion for the purchase of electronic assets

Its revenue in this segment is expected to grow to 1.5 trillion rubles by 2025 .
"Rostec" intends to spend 368 billion rubles. ($ 5.96 billion on Saturday Central Bank) until 2025 for the purchase of key assets in the field of electronics. According to the plans of state corporations at the expense of those deals annual revenues electronic "Rostec" cluster in the next nine years to grow by an average of 22.4% in 2025 to reach about 1.5 trillion rubles. These plans, "Vedomosti" said the representative of "Rostec". It refers to a new strategy of the electronic cluster "Rostec," which last week approved the board of the state corporation. By 2025, mergers and acquisitions should bring the cluster up to 17% of revenue. Plans to buy a representative of "Rostec" did not disclose.

About 49% of the funds to finance the transaction "Rostec" is going to borrow another 44% corporation hopes to attract private investors or reinvest its own funds, said a representative of "Rostec". The remaining 7% "Rostec" thinks to finance the budget. The total amount of investment needed to achieve the objectives of the strategy, in addition to the expenses for the transaction, "Rostec" estimated at 1 trillion rubles., And promises to use least cost money, says a representative of the state corporation.

Radio-electronic cluster combines the assets of state corporation in the field of IT - "Russian electronics", "Combined instrument-corporation" (DIC), "Schwabe", "Central Research Institute of Electronics", "Concern" Automation "," RT - business development "(RT-RB) and "RT-inform", according to "Rostec" report. In 2015, consolidated revenues amounted to electronic cluster 212.1 billion rubles. (See. Chart), according to the annual report "Rostec". For this indicator, it is the second among the six clusters "Rostec". Since October 2015 it is led by Sergei Kulikov, until August of this year combined the post of director of an industrial cluster with the post of Executive Director of "Rostec". In August, he focused only on radio-electronic cluster.

The strategy provides for growth in the share of civilian products in the electronic cluster revenues with 13% in 2015 to 60% in 2025, says a representative of "Rostec". To achieve this, the proceeds from the sale of civilian products should grow by an average of 45% a year, says her representative. "Rostec" will focus on five sectors: the transmission and storage of data, security systems, medical technology, optics and electronic component base. Now civil cluster revenue comes mainly from the sales of optics and telecommunication equipment.

To make it easier to attract investors, "Rostec" put things in order in the structure of assets. Now companies often run on a cluster of adjacent markets. According to the representative, the assets will be regrouped within the holdings of product basis, after which each of the holdings of the updated plans to attract private investment. Now "Rostec" thinking on the creation of five groups of assets in five product segments.

A month ago it became known that "Rostec" discussions with the AFC "System" union assets: OPK belonging to the "System" Concern RTI, as well as "Russian Electronics" with "Micron". However, any documents at the time it was signed. A source close to "Rostec" refers to these negotiations with one of the examples of the coming redistribution of assets. The representative of AFK "System" declined to comment.