Managers of Uralkali have been taken under protection in Russia

The company's security service fears the abduction of its staff members in Moscow, who are the defendants in the criminal case in Belarus. 
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After the incident in the capital Leningrad station, where on Friday the employees of Belarus special services tried to detain a citizen of Russia, one of the top managers of JSC "Belarusian Potash Company" (BPC) Dmitry Samoilov, the Security Service (SB) of "BRIC" has taken under the protection of all employees , which show the operational interests of the Belarusian law enforcers. Sources of "News" in the company told me that assess the risk of their detention as high: on Sat data, the Belarussian KGB officers have established in Moscow around the clock positions and surveillance for multiple managers "Uralkali".

Sources of "News" in the "Uralkali" said that managers BPC Konstantin Solodovnikov, Igor Evstratov and Dmitry Samoilov, who have Russian citizenship and live in Moscow, recently noticed they were being followed. Some of their houses have cars in which unknown men are around the clock. "Tail" following the managers themselves and their cars. When SC "Uralkali" was to check the situation, it became clear that it positions Belowrasskih special services.

- These people are not particularly concealed behave as if feeling their impunity. When approached them with questions and requests, they show their identity cards KGB - told "Izvestia" a source familiar with the situation. - SB they are already known, literally every one of them now know in person.

According to a source of "Izvestia", SC "Uralkali" did not treat the statement to the representatives of the Russian security services to check the legality of the actions of security forces in Russia from Belarus. However, the Security Council has taken under the protection of several managers, which show interest in Belarusian special services.

He also confirmed that last Friday, the Belarussian KGB officers tried to detain at the Leningrad station top manager BPC Dmitry Samoilov, who was going to go to St. Petersburg. Several detectives in plain clothes took him straight off the train and tried to take away from the station, but the businessman picked up the noise which attracted the attention of local police. After some trials in the department employees KGB were forced to retreat. Official representatives of the Transport Police and the Metropolitan Research Affairs did not confirm the "News" information about an attempt to arrest a citizen of Russian special services of Belarus.

At the end of August 2013 in Belarus was prosecuted for abuse of office against four employees of CCB - Vladislav Baumgertner, Director of Sales and Marketing, "Uralkali" Oleg Petrov, manager of BPC Konstantin Solodovnikov, Igor Evstratova and Dmitry Samoilov. Later, the criminal case filed against the principal shareholder of "BRIC" Suleiman Kerimov.

According to investigators, they "abused their powers by using them in spite of the legitimate interests of these organizations in order to extract the benefits and advantages to the others, which resulted in significant damage, and serious consequences for Belarusian Potash Company (BPC) and the" Belaruskali ". An article about the abuse of power and official authority is considered to be in Belarus is quite hard, it provides for penalties of up to 10 years in prison svobdy.

Baumgartera detained Minsk on August 26 where he arrived at the invitation of Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich. A month later, Belarus secret services transferred businessman under house arrest by hiding it in one of the secret KGB apartments in Minsk. Last Saturday, expired preliminary investigation of the criminal case against Baumgertner, so the Investigative Committee of Belarus must make a basic decision - to extend the investigation and arrest, to refer the case to the local court or to direct all the investigation materials in Russia, where against businessman was recently instituted a similar criminal case on abuse authority, and he was arrested in absentia.

Earlier, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office the start extradition proceedings Baumgertner in Russia. October 21, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the Russian businessman will be given only if it compensates for the damage caused to the Belarusian economy, which is estimated to be worth between $ 100 million to $ 2 billion.

Baumgertner Counsel argues that the investigation has not put forward any conditions his client.