Vyacheslav Volodin threatened with the abolition of state pensions in Russia

Speaker of the State Duma said that such an option is not ruled out in case of failure of the pension reform.
Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, speaking on Saturday, August 11, before the residents of the Zavodsky district of Saratov, did not rule out that in Russia state pensions can be abolished unless pension reform is carried out, Svobodnye Novosti news agency reported.

"We have a deficit in the state pension system, there is such a hole in it, and it is filled at the expense of the budget," said Mr. Volodin. "We will have state pensions or not, this is also a question, because the budget has become scarce."

After that, he recalled that earlier one pensioner had four working Russians, and asked the attendant at the meeting of the governor of the Saratov region Valery Radaev to bring the actual statistics for the Saratov region. "Actually working 0.96 per one," replied Mr. Radaev.

At the beginning of the meeting, its participants criticized the provisions of the pension reform.

"Who invented it at all? Does anyone have a head or not? "- one of the participants of the meeting asked, whose words were greeted with applause and shouting" bravo! ". Mr. Volodin answered her that we should first of all talk not about who came up with it, but about whether Russians are happy with the pension.

"We will not live! We are already crawling, but not walking! And our grandchildren will not live! "The woman addressed him again. "How can this not live? A sports field for whom? Replied the speaker to her. "They will not live!" Our task is not only to live, but to survive! "

At the same time, Vyacheslav Volodin called the issue of pension reform "hardest", recalling the "hole" in the Pension Fund, and promised that he would be discussed on a specially created platform with the participation of parliament deputies and government representatives. In conclusion, the speaker offered the Saratovites to meet again after the meeting of the State Duma, which will be held on August 21.

On June 16, the government submitted to the State Duma a draft pension reform, according to which the retirement age of Russians is proposed to be raised to 65 for men (from 60) and 63 years for women (from 55). Despite protests, on July 19 the State Duma passed the first reading in the first reading. After that, Vladimir Putin said that he did not like any of the options offered by the government, which sparked discussions about a possible softening of the parameters of the reform. It is expected that the bill will be adopted in the final reading in the fall of this year.

Volodin questioned the effectiveness of state pensions
RBC, August 13, 2013

Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin at a meeting with the residents of Saratov said that the continued existence of state pensions is in question. The video was published by FreeNews Volga.

According to him, the state pension system has a deficit, in it "this is such a hole", which is filled at the expense of the budget.

"There will be further state pensions or not, this is also a question, because the budget has become scarce," he said.

In early August, Volodin said that on August 21, the State Duma will host "large" hearings on pension reform. He also said that the adoption of amendments to the bill will end on September 24.

In mid-June, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced an increase in the retirement age. The bill was submitted to the State Duma on June 16, on July 19 it was adopted in the first reading. According to the document, the retirement age for men is proposed to increase from 60 to 65, for women - from 55 to 63. The second reading will take place in the fall.

Speaking about the need for reform, Medvedev pointed to a significant increase in life expectancy. The government believes that this guarantees a longer period of activity and, as a consequence, the opportunity to continue a career longer.

The head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov explained that without changes the system could not exist further. As the minister noted, "negative demographic trends" created a significant problem while maintaining the pension system. Because of the aging of the population and the reduction in the number of working citizens, there are 1.8 working people per pensioner, Siluanov said.