FSB will gut the bank "Finam"

The bank was assured that the siloviki try not to interfere with the work of the financial organization, but only information about one of the Finam's clients is of interest to them.
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Employees of the FSB conduct investigative actions in the bank "Finam". The president and chairman of the board of the Finam group of companies, Vladislav Kochetkov, explained to RBC that the FSB is seizing documents on one of the bank's customers.

"The customer was credited to the bank. The customer is not the largest. The seizure is carried out in a loyal way, the FSB officers try not to interfere with business processes. The bank started with a delay of half an hour. Now the office is working in regular mode ", - explained Kochetkov.

At the same time, he noted that although the FSB's "overall" visit did not affect the bank's operational activities, investigative actions could be carried out "more softly."

"We would provide information on the client," he added.

In a conversation with RBC, Kochetkov found it difficult to confirm that the client of the bank, in respect of which investigative actions are being conducted, took a loan to buy the aircraft.

"Now I'm at a loss to answer, because 2014 was a long time. We raise information, we provide the FSB. We will study for ourselves and we will better know what the customer is. From the bank's point of view, the client was normal, the loan was repaid, "Kochetkov said.

Previously, the television channel "Rain" with reference to Kochetkova said that the client, who had an interest in law enforcement officers, received a loan from the bank to buy an airplane. "The passenger plane. For some reason, the Investigative Committee believes that this aircraft is a freight plane. In my opinion, the investigative actions are much more expensive than the VAT that the customer has not paid, "Kochetkov's" Rain "quotes.

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow reported that they do not have information about the actions of the FSB in the bank "Finam". The representative of the capital's head office of the Investigative Committee, Yulia Ivanova, did not respond to RBC's calls.