The first deputy head of the FSB associated with the murder of Andrei Kozlov

Revelations of the convicted ex-banker Alexei Frenkel.
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The first deputy director of the FSB, Sergei Smirnov, may be involved in the murder of the first deputy head of the Central Bank, Andrei Kozlov. In any case, the former banker Alexei Frenkel, convicted of this murder of 19 years in a colony, declared this. It is difficult to say how true this is, but the name of General Smirnov has more than once been associated with scandals in the banking sector, in particular, with the case of Colonel-billionaire Kirill Cherkalin.

FSB instead of Sum

In early August, it became known that the former VIP Bank board member Alexei Frenkel, who is currently serving a 19-year sentence in the colony in the case of the murder of the Central Bank’s first deputy chairman Andrei Kozlov, announced his readiness to testify against the co-owners of the Summa group . According to Frenkel, he is ready to confirm the involvement of the brothers Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov in the murder of Kozlov.

This news was disseminated by many media outlets, citing lawyer Frenkel, who confirmed the consent of his client to testify in a high-profile murder case. At the same time, Radio Liberty announced the receipt of a letter from banker Alexei Frenkel from the colony, which outlines a slightly different version of what happened.

From the letter, the authenticity of which was confirmed to journalists by Frenkel’s lawyer Eduard Gladilin, it follows that the former banker is ready to testify not against the Magomedov brothers, who have already hastened to refute any involvement in the murder, but against the first FSB deputy director Sergei Smirnov, whom he called guilty of his arrest. Frenkel pleaded not guilty to the murder and considers his case to be fabricated. He believes that General Smirnov has something to do with Kozlov’s murder, since it was this general who ostensibly oversaw the operation to cover up traces and divert attention from the real customers of the murder.

General and coffers

According to the convicted banker, two weeks before the murder of Kozlov, he met with characters known in the financial market - the “cash-in”: Ivan Myazin and Evgeny Dvoskin. The next meeting with Dvoskin and Myazin took place a month and a half after the murder of Kozlov. After this conversation on Frenkel, "a massive attack" began in the media, he was called the owner of the "empire of laundering banks."

“At the third meeting, on January 10, 2007, the first deputy head of the FSB, the newly-minted general Sergey Smirnov, also arrived. On the night of January 10-11, Frenkel was detained. Frenkel is convinced: Myazin and Dvoskin, who presented Frenkel Smirnova as a “genius of financial transactions”, simply carried out “inspections”, presented him to the general as a future “victim” who will be appointed as the organizer of Kozlov’s murder, ”Radio Liberty writes with reference to the banker's letter .

In this document, Frenkel gives a schematic representation of the organization of the Kozlov assassination, in which there was a place for both Dvoskin and Myazin, and "number one killer" Aslan Gagiev, and General Smirnov, and now ex-intelligence officer Dmitry Frolov, who was now arrested.

By the way, as one of the leaders of a special banking group under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dmitry Tselyakov, said in an exclusive interview with PASMI, it was Frolov who was responsible for the operational support of the FSB in the case of Kozlov’s murder. Tselyakov also stated that Frenkel was made a scapegoat in this matter: “Our banking division wiretapped a large part of the organized crime group members associated with the financial sector. And in 2006, one of the Russian kings caught the wiretap of a conversation between Jumber Elbakidze and the former employee of the Federal Tax Police Service Belozerov, who has the nickname Flamingo and works for Juba on the black financial market. They discussed that they would make Aleksey Frenkel responsible for the murder as a weak link in the entire system. ”

According to Tselyakov, in 2007, the Interior Ministry’s investigator for particularly important cases, Gennady Shantin, brought together all the audio recordings of the banking group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: “There was a complete picture, and it didn’t reach Frenkel at all. I personally saw this document and passed it to the leadership of the Department for Combating Organized Crime. ”

Cherkalin's trace

Alexei Frenkel explains his sudden frankness with the emergence of the scandalous case of the “second Zakharchenko” - Colonel Kirill Cherkalin from the FSB’s “K” department, who was detained along with former chief Dmitry Frolov and another department employee Andrei Vasilyev. All three are suspected of fraud in the hundreds of millions of rubles related to receiving money for the provision of various services in the banking sector through the FSB. In addition, various participants in the banking services market call Cherkalin and Frolov well-known solvers, and their department is credited with protecting the banks through which huge sums were transferred from Russia abroad. The fact that Frolov and Cherkalin were directly connected with Sergey Smirnov is indirect evidence and oral evidence of eyewitnesses.

So, shortly after the arrest of Cherkalin and Frolov, the former chairman of the board of Intelfinance Bank Mikhail Zavertyaev spoke about the role of the first deputy Bortnikov in their affairs. Almost 12 billion rubles were withdrawn and cashed out through his bank while Zavertyaev himself was in the hospital with a concussion.

Zavertyaev tried to stop the withdrawal of funds through Intelfinance, but did not succeed. He recalls how he was invited to a meeting by Smirnov and veiledly offered to stop his attempts to achieve justice.

“In August 2008, I was awarded a personal dinner with the deputy director of the FSB, Sergei Mikhailovich Smirnov. Together with the deputy Alexander Bortnikov, there were two more operational officers who introduced themselves as Alexander and Andrey. The incumbent FSB general spoke to me about the repurchase of my controlling interest in CB Intelfinance, ”Zavertyaev said. According to him, immediately after this meeting it was accidentally revealed that Smirnov’s companions were actually Kirill Cherkalin and Dmitry Frolov.