The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation found in Ukraine a missile that was hit by a passenger Boeing

The Ministry of Defense asserts that the missile flown from the MH17 since 1986 did not leave Ukraine.
The Russian Defense Ministry presented new evidence of Russia's non-involvement in the tragedy of the Boeing 777 "Malaysian Airlines", which was shot down on July 17, 2014 in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. This time, the main evidence was the archival documents with the airborne missile number for the Buk anti-aircraft missile system, from which the aircraft was shot down, as well as the magazines on which the Russian military could track the missile's path from production to deployment in the military unit on the territory of Ukraine. In addition, audio recordings of the negotiations of the Ukrainian military with the use of obscene language were presented and the assumption that "if everything will be like this, *** another Malaysian Boeing". The international investigative team investigating the tragedy has not yet responded to the statements of the Ministry of Defense. In Kiev, involvement in the collapse of the Malaysian Boeing rejected.

The missile that shot down a Malaysian airplane was manufactured in 1986 in Dolgoprudniy, after which it was sent to the military unit on the territory of Ukraine, from where it no longer returned to Russia. Lieutenant-General Nikolai Parshin, chief of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry, told journalists at a specially assembled press conference. He presented the documents found in the military archives of the Dolgoprudny Research Institute, and they, according to the Russian military, made it possible to pinpoint the onboard missile number. "The date of assembly of the rocket - December 24, 1986. The rocket on December 29, 1986 was sent by rail to the military unit of 20152. Its real name is the 223rd anti-aircraft missile brigade. It was part of the Carpathian Military District and was stationed in the Ternopil region of the Ukrainian SSR, "he said. Mr. Parshin specified that this part was never taken to the territory of the Russian Federation.

At the press conference, the magazines were shown, with which the Russian military worked. At the same time, Mr. Parshin stressed that the Russian military is ready to share with the Joint Investigative Group (SSG), which investigates the crash and includes experts from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine, with their findings.

Recall, on May 24 this year, the SSG announced preliminary findings, which pointed to Russia's direct involvement in the incident. According to the SSG, the Buk anti-aircraft missile system from which Boeing was shot down arrived in Ukraine from Russia and belonged to the 53rd Air Defense Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces stationed in Kursk. The shot, according to the investigation, was made from the field near the village of Pervomaiskoye, which at that time was under the control of the formations of self-proclaimed people's republics.

The investigation into this case entered the final stage, however, the Netherlands prosecutor's office noted: it is premature to talk about when it comes to trial. The Netherlands, together with Australia, said they intended to "hold Russia accountable" for what had happened. Among the requirements to the Russian authorities is the payment of compensation to relatives of the victims of the crash. Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Ministry then stated that the accusations were unfounded, and the investigation of the SSG was biased. The Ministry of Defense also called the "more than probable" belonging to the missile that shot down Boeing, the Ukrainian armed forces. Then the SSG demonstrated the photos of the missile, which the Defense Ministry now used to trace its path.

The SSG then also presented a video about the movement of the Buka, which was hit by a Malaysian liner. The official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov said that the personnel of the movement of the SAM on the territory of Ukraine is an animation made on the basis of a single photo. "The images of the tractor, trailer and Buka were mounted in the image of the corresponding section of the motor road during the production of this video ... In an episode showing the movement of Buka in Lugansk, there were also revealed many signs of falsification of the video. Thus, the illusion of camera movement and changes in the focal length was created by animation of the static frame, which is indicated in particular by the absence of stirring of foliage, trees and shrubs, "the video materials presented by the Defense Ministry said.

In addition, the Russian military department announced the interception of audio recordings of the conversation of the Ukrainian military in 2016, allegedly proving Ukraine's involvement in the crash of the aircraft. "Ukraine is involved not only in the tragedy itself, but also in manipulating the international investigation," Mr. Konashenkov said today, after the record was presented to journalists. On it in obscene terms, the military is discussing a task where one of the speakers says that the tragedy can be repeated in case of improper performance: "The boys, if everything will be like this, *** (we'll shoot out another Malaysian Boeing) . It is noted that the voice on the audio recording belongs to the colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ruslan Grinchak. "In July 2014, Colonel Grinchak served as commander of the 164th Radio Engineering Brigade of the Air Defense of Ukraine," Igor Konashenkov said. At that time, according to him, Mr. Grinchak was in charge of controlling the air situation in the ATU zone.

Ukraine has already reacted to the statements of the Defense Ministry, calling them "fake". "The statement of the Russian Federation about the alleged Ukrainian trace of the missile that hit the MN17 is another unsuccessful fake of the Kremlin in order to cover up its crime, which has already been proved both by an official investigation and by independent expert groups," the Secretary of the Security Council defense of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov. The International Investigative Group will examine the submitted materials as soon as they receive it, the statement of the group says.

Malaysian Boeing 777, flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down on July 17, 2014 near Donetsk. Onboard there were 298 persons, all of them were lost. Kiev accused of a catastrophe of the formation of self-proclaimed people's republics, they said they did not have the means to allow the aircraft to be shot down at such an altitude.