Former owner of the NPF Blagovest Sergei Shakhman shines 6 years in prison

He and other defendants are checked for fraud in five pension funds.
Six years of imprisonment was requested by the state prosecutor during the debate in the Savyolovsky district court of the capital for the former owner of the non-state pension fund (Blagovest), Sergei Shakhman. He and two of his co-defendants, whom the prosecutor asked to sentence to five years, are accused of embezzling more than 1.3 billion rubles from the fund. The injured party, represented by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), claimed in the process a civil action against all three defendants, demanding to collect from them the amount of damages in common. At the same time, it is not ruled out that criminal cases will be brought against the defendants for stealing another five pension funds.

In the course of the debate in the Savyolovsky District Court of Moscow yesterday, the state prosecutor demanded that Sergei Blokhov, the former owner of the Blagovest Fund, be sentenced to six years in prison, and his accomplices - co-owner of the managing company Sadko-Finance Alexander Blinov and co-owner Dil-Bank (the license was recalled on December 14 2015) Kirill Saltykov - to five years (all the general regime). At the same time, the ex-banker under house arrest (the remaining two are kept in SIZO), the prosecutor asked to be taken into custody in the courtroom, so that he could not escape before the sentence was pronounced. In addition, the state prosecutor asked the court to sentence the defendants to pay a fine of 1 million rubles. Meanwhile, the DIA, which was recognized by the injured party, claimed to the defendants a civil action for the amount of damage inflicted -1.3 billion rubles. For his compensation in the criminal case, the court at the request of the investigation in Moscow, was arrested ten buildings that are pledged to PJSC "Binbank."

It should be noted that the defendants Saltykov and Blinov confessed their guilt in the incriminated act, claiming that they acted on the orders of Sergei Shakhman. The latter insists on his innocence, and in court said that he does not understand what he is accused of.

On June 20, the defendants will make their last statement, after which the court will retire for sentencing.

As already told Kommersant, the criminal case of fraudulent theft (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code) more than 1.3 billion rubles. from the NPF "Blagovest" was initiated by the main investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (RKR) in Moscow in September 2016. The year before, because of violations of the law regarding the investment of pension savings, and also because the APF did not comply with the regulator's instructions and did not provide information about itself, the license was revoked. At that time, Blagovest's assets amounted to 4.2 billion rubles, and the share of pension savings in the fund accounted for about 3 billion rubles.

During the investigation it was found out that the money from the APF started to disappear rapidly in the spring of 2015. The main actor in this story is Sergei Shakhman, owner of the Moscow-based OrionSnab-ST LLC, who owns 100% of the fund's shares. According to the version of the TFR, with his help, the co-owner of the Deal-bank, Kirill Saltykov, allegedly controlled by Blagovest, carried out a number of frauds with pension accumulations placed in the fund. It was done, according to investigators, through the third person involved - co-owner of Sadko-Finance UK Alexander Blinov, with whom Blagovest had a trust management agreement. In particular, according to the investigation, it was Sadko-Finance that bought Blagovest for 1.3 billion rubles. mortgage certificates.

In the TFR, it is believed that the deal was fictitious and only covered the withdrawal of funds from the APF. The real value of securities, according to the expertise, is slightly more than 34 million rubles.

It should also be noted that now the law enforcement agencies are verifying the involvement of defendants Shakhman, Blinov and Saltykov in the collapse and embezzlement of funds from five other APFs: Veteran, General Pension Fund, New Century of Ops, Law and Rodnik. All the licenses were withdrawn in 2014-2016, and they were left to the depositors hundreds of millions of rubles.