Supervisory tower

Does the Central Bank of Russia pass sentences for banks in exchange for money?
Anna P. Orlenko, who is still head of the Banking Supervision Department of the Central Bank, is one of the most talented employees of the regulator. Such a conclusion can be drawn from her rapid career. But is it not too expensive for the financial sector to elevate a lady who is accustomed to leaving behind the ruins of credit institutions?

At the end of May, information emerged that the Central Bank's management considers Anna Orlenko as the main candidate for the post of head of the management company of the Fund for the Consolidation of the Banking Sector. As also reported, the structure will be supervised by the deputy chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev.
And in fact more recently, on December 4, 2015, an order was issued to appoint a woman to the current position. That is the speed of movement Orlenko on the career ladder is close to the beyond. And there are clear explanations for this.

In the Central Bank, which is engaged in an extremely important matter of improving the financial sector, the lady appeared under the patronage of a longtime acquaintance and even a relative, the mentioned Pozdyshev. They worked together in the Savings Bank, it is not excluded, together and they rest - Orlenko is a cousin of the wife of the odious deputy chairman.

And now the couple are turning serious, not tens of billions, business in the Bank of Russia. But how else if the Department of Supervision is perhaps the most powerful in the structure of the regulator. It is this division that decides the fate of financial organizations, in less than four years depriving them of licenses more than 300 of them!

Previously, the chief in the bloody craft was the predecessor Orlenko, a veteran who gave the Central Bank 18 years of service Ruben Amirjants. However, he had disagreements with Pozdyshev, which cost the specialist positions. However, by and large, Amiriants, if he lost something, then a little: now he works as deputy director general of the DIA.

"Salvage is chopping," sources assure. But after all, Pozdyshev and Orlenko are not offended.

Now the banking supervision in the Central Bank looks like this: the "couriers" of the bosses scurry about the financial institutions and offer to "settle" issues with the regulator. "Sotochka" is the usual tariff in such cases. More precisely - starting. They say that Anna Orlenko's husband does not disdain such "courier".

In the future, tariffs are growing, since supervision has more and more questions for trust banks. Finally, there comes a time when money stops snapping. That's when Orlenko, supported from the back by Pozdyshev, comes to the stage. They claim huge problems of a doomed bank and, using rather vague wording, accepted by the Central Bank, they report on revocation of the license. As an option - sanitation. "When interacting with banks, [Orlenko] always takes a tough position," the market participants euphemistically comment on.

In general, the current supervisor of supervision in the industry says exactly in such epithets: "a firm leader," "strong-willed," "a knowledgeable person." It remains purely humanly rejoice for Pozdyshev, that he found a profitable, including for himself, the application of these qualities podelnitsy.

So, it is known about misadventures of the banking group "Antal". She allegedly allegedly received Orlyenko "tithe", in the sense of a tenth of the money collected from depositors. For such a solid fee, officials, to the best of their ability, contributed to the activities of the group, revoking licenses from other banks - in particular, "Maximum", RBS, MPB, "Commonwealth" and so on. And when the time came, they covered "Antal".

"Ends in the water" is an expression that is surprisingly appropriate to such cases.

He, probably, can also describe the expected career move Orlenko. I sat in the supervision, it's time to move to a new level with new opportunities.

According to the intention of the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, the Foundation for the Consolidation of the Banking Sector should replace the current mechanism for the rehabilitation of financial institutions. Right now, the DIA and private investors are doing it, and Orlenko will rule. But does anyone have any doubts that an enterprising woman together with a well-known patron reinterprets the management plan in the most advantageous way for itself?