The financial scarecrow for banker Pugachev

The Deposit Insurance Agency is trying to get its hands on the runaway billionaire Sergei Pugachev in the UK. The DIA is trying to prove that the businessman hid the capital in the trusts. Will the oligarch manage to save money, and who had helped him to withdraw it?
The Deposit Insurance Agency got to a foggy Britain, there sat down the runaway Orthodox oligarch Sergei Pugachev, who used to be close to power. The DIA, through the High Court in London, wants to recognize the banker Pugachev as the beneficiary of the New Zealand trusts. If the agency achieves its own, trusts can withdraw DIA and live more in an expensive England Pugachev can not.

Then they will have to leave for Russia, and the investigators are waiting for the oligarch. It is not known how many tens or hundreds of millions of dollars belongs to Pugachev through trusts. But, in particular, this is a mansion in London and a manor in Herefordshire called Old Battersea House built at the end of the XVII century, in which the Forbes family used to live.
Also with Pugachev connected estates in the county of Herefordshire, known as the Lower Venn Farm.

"His (the author's private residence) is the legal owner of a New Zealand company that acts as trustee of the trust, Sergei Pugachev is the" discretionary beneficiary "of the trust," the DIA reported.

In all likelihood, the agency with the help of British justice will soon get all the assets of the billionaire. This was made possible by the fact that in 2015 the siloviki got hold of data according to which Mr. Pugachev and former deputy chairman of his Mezhprombank Alexei Zlobin influenced the decisions made in him through his New Zealand OPK Trust Company Ltd (formerly the Trust Radonezh Trust) .

"The essence of time" Pugacheva

In 2006, Mezhprombank issued a loan to ex-head of the operational management department of the Presidential Administration Alexander Gladyshev for more than $ 707,000 to purchase an apartment. Imagine the size of an apartment for 707 thousand dollars? Only here, according to one of the versions, these money could be a bribe for the permission to build a shopping complex. In the corrupt scheme, the ex-head of the Russian President's administration Vladimir Kozhin, dismissed after the Pugachev situation, could also be involved.

In 2008, Pugachev decided to remove the encumbrance from this apartment, "knowing that the loan commitment will not be complied with Gladyshev." On behalf of the billionaire, they made a deliberately fraudulent letter containing information that the borrower repaid the loan. The letter was signed by Zlobin, and on his grounds, Rosreestr removed encumbrances from the apartment.
The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA, the bankruptcy trustee of Mezhprombank) connects Gladyshev with the structures of the United Industrial Corporation controlled by Pugachev (OPK, which included Mezhprombank).

In 2011, a criminal case was opened on the fact of the bankruptcy of Mezhprombank. The first signs of deliberate bankruptcy in the financial organization's case were seen by the Central Bank, which in fall 2010 appealed to Prosecutor General Yury Chaika with the appropriate letter. The investigation has data according to which Pugacheva is involved in causing damage to Mezhprombank in the amount of 64 billion rubles. In 2008-2009, an organized criminal group, which also included the head of the executive management of Mezhprombank, Alexander Didenko, and the CEO of OPK Development, Dmitry Amunts, stole more than 28 billion rubles from the bank, the Investigative Committee said. The point of no return of the scandal around Mezhprombank was the resignation in the summer of 2011 of the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank Gennady Melikyan.

According to the official version, Melikyan's resignation has nothing to do with the bankruptcy of Mezhprombank, but analysts still saw this connection. The fact is that Mr. Melikyan headed the main inspection of the credit organizations of the Central Bank, and it was with his approval that the regulator at one time allocated Mezhprombank a loan of 32 billion rubles.
The loan was never returned to the state for an understandable reason: Mr. Pugachev's "bank child" went bankrupt. That is, the damage to the Russian state is estimated at one billion dollars.

To return at least part of the money, the Deposit Insurance Agency in 2013 required the businessman 1.3 billion rubles. At the same time, a lawsuit was filed against the French company Snc Villacota 3, which is owned by ex-senator. The piquancy of the story is that Mezhprombank has allocated a loan of three billion rubles to Snc Villacota 3 (which is in its ownership) before bankruptcy, which may be, in fact, a corrupt scheme.

Recall that Sergei Pugachev was a member of the Federation Council in 2001-2011, before the crisis, he was part of the "Golden Hundred" of Russian billionaires by Forbes. In fact, the affairs of Sergei Pugachev all the worse since 2014, when Interpol, at the request of the Russian Federation, declared the oligarch wanted. In January 2011, a criminal case was opened into the fact of the bankruptcy of Mezhprombank. The first signs of deliberate bankruptcy in the case of Mezhprombank was seen by the Central Bank, which in autumn 2010 appealed to Prosecutor General Yury Chaika with the appropriate letter.

After all, the Central Bank in its time allocated Mezhprombank, as we have already said, turned out to be a non-repayable loan in the amount of 32 billion rubles.

Who will cover the oligarch at home?

Recall that last year for the theft of money from Vneshtorgbank businessman Khoroshilov received seven years in prison. In 2015, the case of a non-repayable loan of 12 billion burned. After the fire several high-ranking figures disappeared from the list of suspects. And you ask, what does Pugachev have to do with it? "A curious detail: in the burnt business of VTB, a runaway banker Pugachev is very much involved, no one here wants to judge or interrogate - everyone knows what he can tell, especially about the judges, especially Olga Egorova, her daughter worked in Mezhprombank In the legal department headed by Galina Avanesova - now the judge of the Moscow City Court, "- said then human rights activist Olga Romanova.

Do we often burn materials in the country? After that, it seems that the destruction of the materials about the theft of money from VTB can be beneficial not only to Andrei Kostin, but also to the leadership of the Moscow City Court and, of course, to Pugachev himself. When people are tied, let's say, "one chain", they are trying to save each other.

In 2015, another person involved in the case left Russia - Pavel Mitrofanov said that "in the case of Khoroshilov, senior VTB employees should be questioned," apparently hinting at Mr. Kostin. If the trusts are recognized as Pugachev's property, the DIA will be able to withdraw them and understand where the money was flowing from, and whether Pugachev, for example, transferred his money to them, Andrei Kostin, "for services"? Proceedings in London can reveal the real corrupt banking vertical in the country.