Savyolovsky District Court of Moscow


Court arrested former director of Urban Group Andrei Puchkov


Former general director of the Urban Group and Ivastroya Andrei Puchkov was arrested by the court: he is charged with abuse of authority, which entailed grave consequences. The media linked the case against Puchkov with the unfinished LC "Laikovo". The owner of the bankrupt company, Alexander Dolgin, is hiding in Europe.

Court arrested director of department of Ministry of Defense for audit of state contracts


For employees of the audit department of the military department, this is a very common practice. The predecessor of Kuksin Dmitry Nedobor in 2015 was sentenced to 10 years for extorting money from a supplier of military products.

Former owner of the NPF Blagovest Sergei Shakhman shines 6 years in prison


He and other defendants are checked for fraud in five pension funds.