Expenditures on national projects on demography and health care will exceed ₽5 trillion

The government of the Russian Federation wants to spend 6.6 trillion rubles on national projects in the field of demography, science, education and public health. Where this money will be taken, it is not known
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Four projects

The government will spend 6.6 trillion rubles on four national social projects. rubles: 1.5 trillion rubles. on "Healthcare", 3.8 trillion rubles. on "Demography", 800 billion rubles. on "Education" and about 546 billion rubles. to "Science". This was told by Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova at the conference call with the regions on July 6, RBC correspondent reports. Golikova stressed that these figures, like other estimates of spending on the implementation of national projects, are provisional, since the formation of the budget for 2020 and 2021 is not complete, as is the coordination of the six-year parameters of the national projects.

The government is developing national projects under a presidential decree. "They [the national projects] will contain targets. Target indicators should not be much, "- said Golikova.

National projects will consist of federal projects, which will include already existing priority projects. On the basis of federal components, in turn, regions will have to form their documents with target indicators. On July 4, the government sent methodological recommendations to the regions for the preparation of such documents, Golikova said. Special attention is being paid by the authorities to the death rate of the population, since it, in turn, affects the attainment of the target life expectancy.

Health care

Among the federal health projects, Golikova noted the program to increase the availability of primary medical care (polyclinics, dispensaries, doctors' offices, ambulances, etc.) in remote areas, to combat oncological and cardiovascular diseases, and a program to train and attract medical personnel.

To implement the program to increase the availability of primary care, the government plans primarily to build and modernize the medical infrastructure in the countryside. In the sparsely populated areas, paramedic-midwifery stations (FAP) and medical dispensaries should be built and opened. For those settlements where it is impossible to create such an infrastructure, mobile medical complexes should be purchased and outreach medical teams organized.

The difference between federal projects to combat cardiovascular diseases and oncology from other similar in health care is that they envisage the development of programs that include not only the modernization of the infrastructure, but also measures for their prevention and detection, Golikova said. At the same time, within the framework of the "oncological" program, an interbudgetary transfer is provided for the Federal Fund of CHI to increase the tariff for the provision of cancer care, whereas for the program to combat cardiovascular diseases this is not provided, said Golikova. Later in the press service of Deputy Prime Minister RBC explained that the growth of budgetary allocations for tariffs for medical assistance is envisaged threefold - from 320 thousand to 956 thousand rubles.

A fairly large amount was allocated for health care, said Larisa Popovich, director of the Institute of Health Economics of the Higher School of Economics. "But, before adding money, I would like to understand the goals and means to achieve them. For example, in the healthcare system, investing in walls, building FAPs, etc. are less effective than the same investments in technology and competence, "she said.

Demographic project

The demographic national project consists of five parts, Golikov pointed out. Supporting families and increasing the birth rate, creating places in the nursery for children under three years old, supporting and forming a healthy lifestyle, a separate program for investment and modernization of the sports infrastructure, and the "Older Generation" project aimed at socializing and supporting the older generation.

According to her, the federal project to support older citizens will imply the integration of "medical and social components" in order to make it easier for them to receive medical care and lead an active life. "This will also require the development of a direction in healthcare - geriatrics - and the establishment of geriatric departments in medical organizations, the training of geriatric doctors, the application of a multidisciplinary approach," Golikova noted.

Science and education

When implementing the national project for education, Golikova asked the regions not to limit themselves to "only creating places in schools and the amount of equipment purchased," but to focus on "qualitative indicators" that will characterize the system of education in schools and colleges. She stressed that the same requirements will be brought to the regional universities.

The project should be aimed at the early development of children, the identification of talented children and the development of their capabilities, the deputy prime minister said. "Identified talented children should receive further support and support, including their participation in olympiads, professional development and employment," Golikova said. Another task of the project, which the official drew attention to, was the development of mentoring. "And here the support of mentors is important, especially among people of pre-retirement age," she said.

The announced directions of development are a compromise, to which the government has come as a result of negotiations with various agents of influence, said the rector of the Moscow City Pedagogical University Igor Remorenko. He noted that Golikova did not say a word about the Digital School project, but suggested that the reason is that formally this direction is not social, but will enter the Digital Economy project.

In the project, it would be necessary to add a referral for the training of older people, Remorenko remarked separately. "I am aware that there is a section devoted to an elderly person in the national project" Demography ", but, in my opinion, social support and education are extremely different things," he said. In his opinion, if the government wants to see older people in demand on the labor market, then it should separately establish a program for the development of the field of education for them.

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