Emergency Situations Ministry revealed the critical situation of firefighters and rescuers

The new head of the department, Yevgeny Zinichev, began raking up the Augean stables of his predecessor. There is a high probability that Mr. Puchkov will go to warm not the chair of the senator in the Federation Council, but the bunks in the SIZO.
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A large-scale internal audit revealed many problems in the Ministry of Emergency Situations: from lack of personnel and fuel to problems with uniforms and equipment for firefighters and rescuers.

Great check

In early July, at a select conference in the Emergencies Ministry, Viktor Yatsutsenko, the head of the National Center for Crisis Management of the Emergencies Ministry, made a report on the results of a two-week inspection of the agency conducted at the request of the new minister, Yevgeny Zinichev. A comprehensive analysis of the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was conducted from May 28 to June 15 and identified such problems as a significant shortage of personnel and a significant shortage of material and technical means, RBC confirmed the meeting with the minister.

The new head of the ministry reported on a comprehensive analysis in early June at his first conference call in the Emergencies Ministry. Then Zinichev noted that, based on the results of the audit, conclusions will be drawn and appropriate decisions taken. According to the source of RBC in the ministry, the audit strategy will determine the development strategy of the Ministry of Emergencies.

As a result of the July meeting, Zinichev ordered to provide him with plans until July 23 to address the shortcomings. RBC sent a request to the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with a request to report on the measures taken on the basis of the audit.

The problems named by Yatsuzenko arose during the period when the Ministry of Emergency Situations was headed by Vladimir Puchkov, and the budget of the department was gradually reduced: in 2015 it amounted to 183.4 billion rubles, in 2016 - 172.0 billion, in 2017 - 168.7 billion As RBC reported, in September the former minister could become a senator from Primorye.

Personnel policy

The key problem identified in the audit is the shortage of personnel. In the fire protection of the current shortage of personnel is 23.1 thousand people, a shortage of duty guards - 10.8 thousand, according to the report. "There is a false opinion in the ministry about a fairly prosperous situation with the staffing of duty guards - about 90%. The number of guards does not meet the established requirements. For example, the number of combat crews on a fire truck is two or three people instead of six, "Yatsutsenko said.

According to the results of the audit, it turned out that after a reduction of 50% of the State Fire Supervision staff, there are more than 1,000 objects for each of the 9,800 inspectors (there are about 10 million of them in the country).

Problems with the manning of officers were revealed in the rescue formations of the Central Federal District. The report says that this was due to the lack of distribution of graduates of profile higher education institutions for three years. The headcount does not correspond to the complexity and scope of tasks in the air units of the Ministry of Emergencies and the State Inspectorate of Small Boats (GIMS), which is 82% complete, the report says.

The staff shortage arose as a result of the optimization of personnel, held in 2014-2018. Its consequence was a reduction in the number of planned inspections and a drop in the quality of fire extinguishing and rescue operations, Yatsutsenko said. Since 2016, the Ministry of Emergency Measures has not checked organizations that carry out work in the field of fire safety. "For example, in the field of installation of fire safety systems there are more than 50 thousand organizations," said the head of the national center. He also noted that due to system errors and violations, the number of fires increased, including in shopping malls and shopping centers. "So, for six months of this year [in the shopping center and TRC] 56 fires occurred, which is 75% higher than in the same period in 2017," Yatsutsenko said.

Without rear and fire equipment

The audit also showed that since 2014, the MChS has taken management decisions that led to the "destruction of the logistics system." The materials of the report say that all specialists in the field of logistical support were reduced and dismissed. "The unified system for planning and accounting for logistical support has ceased to exist," the report says, "this process led to the destruction of the vertical of the rear of the Ministry of Emergency Situations."

The audit revealed the critical situation with the equipment of rescuers and firefighters. "Provision of logistics and logistics in 2018 is: food - 88%, things - 21%, fuel and lubricants - 36%, funds for maintenance of equipment - 20%," the report says. As for the technical equipment of the fire service, there is a low percentage of manning with fire equipment, equipment, property and tools. The report says that 67% of the main fire-fighting equipment and 73% of special equipment have exceeded the service life: "Over 30% of fire trucks are in operation for more than 25 years." The level of clothing maintenance firefighting fell to 46% of the maximum demand, and fuel and lubricants - up to 34%. According to the new standards of supply, combat clothing to firefighters is issued once in four years.

Unnecessary drones

Yatsutsenko mentioned that a large number of unmanned helicopter systems are in service with the Ministry of Emergency Situations: "Their technical characteristics do not correspond to the needs: the operating temperature range is from 0 to 40 degrees, and the maximum use time is 23 minutes."

It also revealed a weak funding for search and rescue units and aviation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. "Insufficient financial means for aircraft maintenance - in fact, there were twice as fewer funds from declared needs," Yatsutsenko said. In 2018, because of a lack of money, the aviation detachments were given only 30% of the fuel from the annual demand.

The social sphere and the social sphere suffered greatly. "Systemic financing errors led to the fact that receiving medical assistance by the Ministry of Emergency Situations reduced by 70%. In 65 territorial bodies there is no medical provision, "the report says.

Also, there is practically no system for providing employees with housing, the management system for capital construction has been destroyed. "The total amount of unfinished construction amounted to about 31 billion rubles. The construction of more than 300 objects has not been completed, apartment houses with a fund of 706 apartments have not been completed," the inspectors note.

State defense order without stairs and sleeves

The auditors found the facts of "unreasonable formation of the state defense order parameters": when forming the indicators for 2018-2027, the proposals of the research divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the needs of the combat units were not taken into account.

"High-altitude machinery, lorries, articulated lifts in the amount of 340 units worth more than 1 billion rubles, combat fire-fighting clothes in the amount of 21 thousand units for the amount of more than 75 million rubles, fire hoses - more than 39 thousand units for the amount of more than 170 million rubles. ", - noted in the report. But the state armament program included 2 thousand drones for 450 million rubles. The real need for them, according to the author, is only 88 pieces.

Yatsutsenko also said that the state defense order indicated 1,360 expensive tankers worth 24 billion rubles. "The cost of these tank trucks is twice the cost of those tanks that were previously purchased as part of the defense order," the author of the report said.

Director against the minister

Former head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov gathered journalists of the federal mass media on the eve of his resignation and reported reducing the number of fires in the country by 20%, improving fire-fighting technologies and qualitative leap in the field of technical support. Puchkov also talked about the high equipment of fire fighting units with modern equipment and the modernization of the management system of the ministry.

Before this meeting, the well-known director Nikita Mikhalkov criticized the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in his program "Besogon", published on "Russia 24". The program was devoted to the analysis of the causes of the fire in the Kemerovo shopping complex "Winter Cherry", in which 60 people were killed. According to the authors of the program, nearly 60 thousand people were reduced from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as of 2017, on average, 30% of the personnel were reduced by the Ministry, and up to 50% in guards. "That is, to extinguish fires in 2017, there was virtually no one," concluded Mikhalkov, noting that problems with providing firefighters had become one of the causes of the tragedy in Kemerovo.

Puchkov called accusations of delirium and argued that firefighters do not have problems with fuel, equipment and equipment.

Vladimir Puchkov did not answer the calls and messages of RBC. Commenting on his nomination to the Federation Council, political analyst Alexander Pozhalov noted that after checking the fire supervision system, claims may arise to the team of the former minister. "But the transition to senators shows that claims to the former minister personally should not arise," the expert said.