Forbes examined who earns the "Moscow City".
With a speed of 6 meters per second elevator takes the head of VTB Andrey Kostin at the 58th floor of the west tower "Federation" - here is the banker's office. "Picks up sounds" Arise, great country ", - says Nikolay office visit Kazan, Managing Partner of Colliers International Russia. VTB became the largest property owner in the "Moscow City": bank owned almost 500 000 sq. m. In 35 stories in the tower "Federation" is two stories in "Tower on the waterfront" and the unfinished tower is «IQ-quarter." In 2016, VTB may take part of the premises in the tower "Eurasia", which is owned by Suleiman Kerimov (75%) and Paul Fuchs (25%), told two sources in the market. Acceptance of the tower is "VB-Service", the management company VTB. In the UK "Eurasia" confirmed that negotiations with monoklientom, but refused to disclose with whom exactly.
"Moscow City" - a city of skyscrapers, grown on the site of a former quarry on Presnensky quay - the most ambitious and expensive project of the late 19th90 and zero fat. Building of the business district, which started in 1998 with "Tower 2000", has not been without drama: many towers now own not those who began to build them. The most glaring example - Sergei Polonsky, who started just two settings. After its bankruptcy "Federation" tower went AEON Roman Trotsenko, Mirax Plaza in 2011 moved to compensate "Stroygazkonsalting" debt (current name - "President Plaza"). At the station №15, where it was planned a new city hall building, build a skyscraper billionaires Year Nisan and Zarah Iliev. By the end of 2015, out of 23 planned facilities were built 12, six under construction, five - in the design stage.
"The project" Moscow City "proved its importance for the city and has become his trademark. All the talk about the fact that the towers are empty, the apartments are not sold, people are standing in a traffic jam, for a long time are not relevant, "- said Tatiana Voltsinger, Development Director of" City ", the management company MIBC" Moscow-City "belonging to the group Solvers Oleg Malis , the new owner of "The Messenger". The overall vacancy ratebuilt offices "Moscow City" - 26.2%.
As the occupancy of the "Moscow City" interest in real estate here began to show new players. For example, the tower "Evolution", which builds the company "Snegiri-Development" Alexander Chigirinsky, buys "Transneft". The deal has not closed, the move is scheduled for the end of 2016. Housewarming expected in the OKO tower - here will move the structure of the Moscow government. The seller - Capital Group - remains complex "Capital City".
But the fate of the tower "Russia" does not add up. The project is the highest skyscraper in Europe developer Shalva Chigirinsky and billionaire Viktor Rashnikov ordered Norman Foster. In September 2007, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov laid at the base of the capsule with parchment. But a year later Chigirinsky into financial problems, only in 2013 Rashnikov found another partner-investor - it became a Turkish The Renaissance, the construction period was extended until 2019. But the impact on the construction of the tower, which is now called the Renaissance Moscow Towers, strained relations between Moscow and Ankara, is still unknown.Turkish Enka is, which belongs to the 'Tower on the waterfront ", recommended that employees do not leave Russia - there are fears that may not be allowed back. "If events develop according to the rigid script, Turks will go, and someone from the Russian investors will have the opportunity to purchase these facilities on favorable terms," - says one of the market participants.