To whom the Ananjevs can sell "Revival"

Representatives of applicants - in a new list of candidates for the board of directors.
The list of candidates for the Board of Directors of Bank Vozrozhdenie included 26 people, followed from the bank's document. The list was approved by the current board of directors at the general meeting on February 9. Those who will be included in this list will represent the interests of potential buyers of the "Renaissance", a person close to the bank told "Vedomosti" and a person close to his board of directors.

Seven people represent the interests of the Bonum Capital fund, including Murat Aliyev, chairman of the board of directors. However, a person close to the fund says that 11 people represent Bonum Capital: in addition to seven people from the fund, they are Ruslan Babayev and Maxim Orlovsky of the Renaissance Capital. Also, the interests of Bonum Capital are represented by Vladimir Kuznetsov and Roman Leonov, Vedomosti interlocutor points out.

The representative of Bonum Capital Anton Averin (one of the candidates) declined to comment on which package the fund is claiming, and also how many people will represent the interests of the fund. A representative of Renaissance Capital declined to comment.

On the eve of Averin confirmed the interest of the fund to purchase the "Renaissance". Fund Bonum Capital is close to the senator and businessman Suleyman Kerimov, Vedomosti's interlocutors said, but Averin declined to comment on whether the fund represents the interests of Kerimov in this case.

The list of candidates also included representatives of the NPF "Blagosostoyanie" - the fund's executive director Yuri Novozhilov, his first deputy Maxim Elik and the head of the project finance department Andrei Denisenkov. The acquisition of a stake in Vozrozhdenie Bank is uninteresting to the fund and he does not conduct any negotiations on this matter, Novozhilov said: "We want to see the bank's board of directors as a possible professional investor. But there is no question of entering now. " He stressed that the fund monitors the future of the bank: "Once the main new shareholder of the bank is determined, we are ready to think and discuss possible options for unification, but only on a cash-strapped basis."

Three candidates from NPF "Blagosostoyanie" were in the previous list of candidates, published by the bank by mistake. Then a person close to Renaissance and a person close to his board of directors told Vedomosti that the NPF Blagosostoyanie would be interested in participating in the bank's capital as a portfolio investor and buying a package of 10-20%. Both pointed out that the fund has an idea to agree with the future majority owner on the possible merger of the two banks - "Renaissance" and "Absolut Bank."

Also, five of 12 active members of the bank's board were nominated to the Board of Directors: Tamzhida Basunia, Nikolai Orlov, Dmitry Ermolov, Dmitri Chekalkin, Mukhadin Eskindarov.

The final list also included Arthur Shamilov, chairman of the board of directors of TopContact Executive Search. He was nominated as an independent director, says Shamilov: there should be at least two such directors on the standards of corporate governance on the board. "The list submitted by the bank, large enough, who will eventually be elected, is now not clear. If shareholders decide to elect to the board of directors, we will develop the staff potential of the bank, in our time this is a key factor for success, "he said.

Inclusion of representatives of potential investors in the Board of Directors is a fairly common practice, says Anastasia Savelyeva, partner of Saveliev, Batanov & Partners: "Thanks to this, the investor can assess the asset from within and make sure that the price requested by the seller is adequate." The Board of Directors is the controlling body, and therefore it is impossible to hold incorrect decisions without the CEO's signature, Savelieva reminds. "In addition, the buyer himself is unlikely to be interested in those actions that could reduce the value of the asset," she notes.

The new board of directors of the bank will be elected on March 7, the number of seats in it will not change, the representative of Vozrozhdenie said, refusing to comment further.

VTB does not claim

Among the applicants to the Board of Directors of Vozrozhdenie there are no representatives of VTB: the state bank is not interested in Vozrozhdenie, said VTB President Andrei Kostin. VTB did not study the purchase of the bank of the Ananiev brothers, he said: "We never promised that we will study. Actually, there is no time to learn. And since there is no time, we will not study this. I said that maybe we'll see. Looked - refused. "

He recalled that he spoke only about VTB's possible interest in buying the Renaissance. "I said in Davos: guys, I'll come to Moscow, I'll look at this bank. Looked, I saw that there was no time to even do due diligence, so there is no interest, "Tass quotes his words.

Brothers Alexei and Dmitry Ananyev should reduce their share in the Renaissance from 52.72 to 10% until March 18 - they issued this order to the Central Bank after they announced the reorganization of their own PSB. Two friends Ananyev told "Vedomosti" that the brothers intend to decide on the buyers by the middle of February and submit the corresponding candidacies of the Central Bank. In addition to the tight deadlines for the sale of the bank, the difficulty is also in the fact that 38.1% of Vozrozhdenie shares (owned by four offshore banks in its capital) were arrested on the basis of a lawsuit filed by Promsvyazbank, which under the administration of the interim administration is trying to challenge a number of transactions that took place on the eve of its rehabilitation.

List of candidates to the Board of Directors

1. Averin Anton Borisovich - representative of the "Bonum Capital"

2. Aliev Murat Magomedovich - Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Bonum Capital"

3. Babaev Ruslan Ernestovich - Co-Chairman of the Board of "Renaissance Capital"

4. Basunia Tammid Hossain - Member of the Board of Directors of Renaissance

5. Denisenkov Andrey Vladimirovich - Head of the Project Financing Department of NPF "Blagosostoyanie"

6. Yermolov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich - Member of the Board of Directors of the PSB since 2011 (independent member of the SDP Board since 2015), General Director of Air Liquide Russia since 2012, President of ZAO Promsvyaznedvizhimost in 2008-2011.

7. Vladimir Anatolyevich Kuznetsov - the post is unknown; can represent the interests of the "Bonus Capital"

8. Kukushkin Anton Alexandrovich - managing director of LLC "Bonum Capital"

9. Leonov Roman Alexandrovich - the post is unknown; can represent the interests of the "Bonus Capital"

10. Malinin Sergey Nikolaevich - former member of the board of "Renaissance"

11. Margary Otar Leontievich - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vozrozhdenie

12. Mescheryakov Maxim Georgievich - general director of LLC "Bonum Management"

13. Nakhmanovich Mark Meerovich - the presidency of Bank Vozrozhdenie

14. Novozhilov Yuri Viktorovich - Executive Director of the NPF "Blagosostoyanie"

15. Orlov Nikolai Dmitrievich - Member of the Board of Directors of the "Renaissance"

16. Orlovsky Maxim Nikolayevich - Director of the IG "Renaissance Capital"

17. Otrybyannikov Sergey Veniaminovich - the general director of "Bonum Capital"

18. Pavlov Evgeny Anatolyevich - Deputy Chairman of the Renaissance

19. Aleksandr Vladimirovich Sidorov, Director for Corporate Development, Bonum Capital

20. Smirnov Evgeni Sergeevich - the post is unknown

21. Fedorov Alexander Anatolyevich - Director for Corporate Development "Bonum Capital"

22. Chekalkin Dmitry Viktorovich - member of the Board of Directors of the "Renaissance"

23. Shabunina Natalia Ivanovna - Deputy Directorate of "Revival"

24. Shamilov Artur Andreevich - Chairman of the Board of Directors of TopContact Executive Search

25. Elik Maksim Eduardovich - First Deputy Executive Director of NPF "Blagosostoyanie"

26. Eskindarov Mukhadin Abdur - Member of the Board of Directors of the "Renaissance".