Ural banks were swept over by black PR

The withdrawal of a license of Bank24.ru triggered an unfair competition.
After the license was deprived of Bank24.ru Yekaterinburg, on Internet forums, social networks and began to spread rapidly via SMS calls to withdraw funds from the leading banks in the region that are supposedly awaiting the same take into account. At ATMs and branches of banks having the queue of those wishing to withdraw cash. In the evening, even the Central Bank was forced to make an official statement in which he denied the rumors and urged not to panic.

Yesterday afternoon Ural banking market is flooded with depositors panic: lightning began to circulate unverified reports that the Central Bank on Friday will withdraw the licenses of a number of local banks, including SKB-Bank Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD), university-Bank and "Neiva" . "This afternoon, it was reported that 09/19/14 will be withdrawn the licenses of SKB-Bank and UBRD Even today, many organizations, previously served by these banks have opened accounts at other banks.", - Writes the user social network "VKontakte". "CSC and UBRD banks will cease to have someone out there has the means - remove immediately!" - According to one of the communitiesthe same social network. People began to transmit information to their friends, by the evening at ATMs and bank offices in Ekaterinburg lined up the queue of those wishing to pick up the money. Due to the fact that in some offices and ATMs money came to an end, panic prevailed. The complicated situation, according to "Kommersant", developed in Nizhny Tagil.

For information about that during the day there was an increased demand for withdrawal of deposits, banks have confirmed. "Today was a massive attack on the banking sector of the Urals, extended SMS-mailing and information containing absolutely false We are seeing a high demand, but each application our customers are satisfied with I would like to encourage all customers to remain calm and not to trust the unconfirmed rumors..", - Said the president Anton Solovyov UBRD. "I want to assure you that SKB how to fulfill their obligations to clients and executes We currently do not have any difficulties in terms of regulatory control." - Said predpravleniya SKB Bank Ilya Zebari.

This affected the banks argue that the spam attack could be sprovotsiRowan competitors. The fact is that after the revocation of the licenses of the Bank24.ru local regional market began a fierce fight for its customer base (more than 35 thousand. Operating current accounts). In the course went black PR. "We assume that rocking the boat may be beneficial to some of the biggest competitors of the Ural bank", - told the SKB-Bank. At the same time the bank intend to find and bring to justice the distributors of rumors. "Our security team in conjunction with the police and the FSB is working on this issue", - he said in his press service. However, predpravleniya Bank "Neiva" Pavel Yefremov has admitted he does not believe in the effectiveness of treatment in law enforcement. "Many of our employees have worked in the bank" Northern Treasury "(2008 faced a liquidity shortage after the spread similar rumors, which led to his sanatsii.-" b "), and everybody remembers that appeal to the law enforcement agencies do not give" , - he said.

Later in the afternoon the Urals branch of the Bank of Russia has gathered an emergency meeting on the outcome ofam is the head of the Ural State Bank of Russia Irina Petrova made a statement. "In connection with the spread of false rumors about the alleged intentions of the Central Bank on revocation of licenses for individual banks of the Ural region Ural important management reports that this information does not correspond to reality," - she said. According to her, the Central Bank believes that the spread of false information may be due to unfair competition. "In this regard, we suggest to carefully check the facts and to send relevant information to law enforcement authorities", - Mrs. Petrova said. Designed to deal with such situations on the introduction of criminal liability for defamation bill hearings under discussion. Meanwhile, the Central Bank recommended to the customers of banks to remain calm and not give in to provocations.