"Caspian cargo" of Magomedovs

Why did the grain company of the Magomedov brothers be headed by the former FSKN general and what links Dagestan clans with drugs?
Suddenly, Mikhail Kiyko, former general of the disbanded Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, joined the board of directors of the United Grain Company, which is 50% controlled by the billionaire brothers Magomed and Ziyavudin Magomedov. Recently, the former official led the OC. It would seem, where is Kyyko, and where is the grain? Why Magomedov chose the former general? "This is a person of Suma," one source said.

When Mr. Kiyko became "Magomedov's man", then the general became rich. His wife Svetlana Kiyko in 2014 even became one of the richest wives of federal officials with an annual income of over half a billion rubles!

What's funny, in 2014, it earned 156 million rubles. Note that for Russian officials, one of the schemes for the legalization of income is precisely in the processing of assets for the spouse. Kiyko began to grow rich incredibly. The woman acquired shares in the medical company Alloplant-M, a 30% stake in Saratovneftegeofizika and a number of other structures. Kiyko's couple lives indiscreetly - they own 21 hectares on Rublevka! Biographers write gently that "first Kyyko was engaged in ophthalmology, and then focused on the forest and oil business." Quite a doubtful business scheme, is not it? From an ophthalmologist, who in Moscow receives 25-80 thousand rubles, to a billion-dollar state.

The businesswoman Kiyko, among other things, has a land plot (5,810 square meters) with a dwelling house (859.5 square meters), three apartments, one of which is 362.7 square meters. m, four garages and two non-residential premises. But Mikhail Kiyko is just a poor man. He did not even have his own home or car in the declaration. Of course, oil, assets on Rublevke and ophthalmology bring their dividends. Of course, ophthalmology is the least. But in general it must be said that one of the most profitable businesses in the world is the drug trade, with which Kiyko fought desperately, without even having an apartment and a car ...

And what does the Magomedov have in common here? The fact is that Magomed and Ziyavudin Magomedov are from the mountainous republic of Dagestan, through which drug use has been going on to Russia in recent years. (FLNKA data) This, of course, is a coincidence. But we will continue. Among the creators of the "Caspian Road" (the name of the traffic of drugs through Dagestan) media sources in particular the website "The Federal Lezghin National Cultural Autonomy" are trying to name and accuse those who came from Dagestan "the chairman of the board of directors of the company Suma Ziyavudin Magomedov, his brother Magomed Magomedov and the ex-head of the Federal Service for Control over Drug Trafficking, a deputy of the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Viktor Cherkesov close to them. " So it follows from the reference. But this is serious.

There is such a deputy of the State Duma - Umakhan Umakhanov, he once married Naida Magomedova - the sister of Magomed and Ziyavudin. Very close relative. There is a clan of Umakhanovs from Hasavyurt - this is a huge clan that greatly influences the situation in the republic. One of the Umakhanovs, who is also called, like the State Duma deputy, Umakhan, is the ex-head of the Dagestani department for combating illicit drug trafficking. He is just the founder of the "Caspian Road". So in the article "Umakhanov framed Magomedovs?" Posted on the site Forum.msk.ru the following is stated:

"The poisoned goods (drugs) went so much that part of it was specially assigned to exemplary exemptions that allowed the Muhammadans to send up beautiful reports and regularly drill new epaulettes in epaulets ... Umakhan Umakhanov, the head of the Department for Combating Illegal Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan, to put on all responsible posts in the department of their people and, thus, establish a reliable control over drug trafficking. Those who could not be transferred to another position or dismissed were removed by militants friendly to Magomedov, who, in turn, were covered by werewolves in epaulettes. In 2009, the federal special forces seized bandits in the house of Ziyavudin Magomedov's relatives, but failed to bring the defendants to justice. In the same year, the head of the administration of the Khasavyurt district Alimsultan Alkhamanov, who was against the Magomedov's absolute power, was killed - neither the killer nor the customers were found again, "the journalists wrote.

Further more. In the article "Who leads the heroin caravans?" Weekjournal.ru says that "despite the active assistance of the US special services, the Russian authorities have so far failed to block the" Caspian route ". The author of the article leads the investigation of James Lawson, who writes that those who interfere with the "Caspian road" are killed. One of the killers, Khabib Umakhanov, is a relative of Umakhan Umakhanov (a "fighter" from the drug trade). Killer Umakhanov in 2009 shot Alimsuultan Alhamatov, who arrived in Makhachkala. Habib Umakhanov was declared in the federal wanted list, and then through the international service "Interpol". As a result, the offender was caught and given him 15 years in prison. Of course, Habib did not hand over anyone.

By the way, Uncle Umakhanov-killer Saygidpashi Umakhanov until 2015 was mayor of Hasavyurt, and in 2016 became Minister of Transport, Energy and Communications of Dagestan! Here it must be said that in the spring of 2014 the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, during a meeting of the collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, announced the connections of Saygidpasha Umakhanov with the bandit underground! Ramzan Akhmatovich said that "Umakhanov's brother financed the Dagestani armed underground, and his nephew is an active amir"!

Another Umakhanov - Mukhtarpasha - a deputy of the People's Assembly of Dagestan. Mukhtarpasha Umakhanov asked the regional government "to intensify the fight against the side-lines in the oil pipelines in the Northern zone of Dagestan." After all, Dagestan oil is being pumped into the tanks of another company of OAO Dagnefteprodukt, which in turn pumps this oil into the main pipe of Makhachkala-Novorossiysk (section of the Baku-Novorossiysk oil pipeline) owned by Chernomortransneft, which is the daughter of PJSC Transneft. Recall that Transneft and the Magomedov brothers control the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port. So Mukhtarpasha is helping the Magomedovs' business?

Mukhtarpasha and Saigidpasha have another brother - Ahmedpasha Umakhanov, also a deputy of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan! As the journalist Arsen Malikov writes, Ahmedpasha "built a luxurious mansion worth several hundred million dollars in Dubai on the famous artificial islands. It is said that by its luxury, it eclipsed even the palace of the sheikh of the emirate of Dubai, "writes" Top Secret ". On what money, I wonder? No parliamentary investigation followed. Law enforcement agencies also did not begin to check.

So, there is a clan of Umakhanovs, which has great influence in Dagestan. "In presence" Umakhan Umakhanov, who headed in Dagestan the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the fight against drugs, which journalist Sergei Komarov called the roof of drug traffickers. And now, after the dissolution of the FSKN, the former deputy head of the disbanded service, Mikhail Kiyko, whose wife has become immensely rich during his service, becomes with the help of Magomedov the head of the OC. Matters the question: could the creators of the "Caspian Road" organize traffic without patrons from Moscow? Any ideas?