European Union


The owner of "Kalashnikov" will shoot from sanctions


Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and owner of 75% of shares in Concern Kalashnikov, Alexei Krivoruchko, came under EU sanctions due to the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Why negotiations on a peaceful settlement in the Donbas stalled


The world wonders what Russia and its president want to achieve from neighboring Ukraine. Vedomosti collected the options that are discussed in Vladimir Putin's entourage.

Germany will pay dearly for insulting Russia


That's whyBerlin won't strengthen the sanctions, observers believe.

British Prime Minister Cameron has called for tougher sanctions against Russia


The EU will have to introduce tougher sanctions against Russia if Moscow does not change its attitude to the situation in Ukraine with the downed Boeing-777 Malaysia Airlines airline passenger liner.