Secrets of the Primorye Oceanarium

The most closed construction project of the APEC summit: disrupted deadlines, stolen billions and dead animals.
"CM. Darkin: Vladimir Vladimirovich, have already started to purchasing animals ...
VV Putin: Who? Beasts? What?
CM. Darkin: Marine animals, I mean. In fact, in 2012 it will be ready.
VV Vladimir Putin: And in what is now the state of the construction? Animals will buy and settle them there is no place ... "

This dialogue between the Russian president and the then governor of Primorye was held in December 2010. Seaside Aquarium, in question and which promised to open to the APEC-2012 summit, is not completed until now. Although the object is not delivered, he has operated as "beasts" were purchased and they need somewhere to live. Now they are kept in the scientific and adaptation package, after the end of construction will be transferred to the main building, like a shell under the incoming wave. In addition to the fish in the aquarium live 26 animals - whales, dolphins, walruses, sea lions, fur seals, the Baikal seal.

In the past, the building was actually frozen. With deadlock case it moved in November 2014, when Putin visited the aquarium and excoriated. Immediately thereafter, he was arrested and charged with fraud head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "DirectorateI'm on the construction in the Far Eastern Federal District "(the structure of the Office of Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation, serving the customer) Andrew Poplavskiy. Taken into custody and Oleg SHishov - director of the Omsk "Mostovik" (the general contractor of construction), and the company itself removed from the site. According to investigators, abducted almost 2 billion rubles; SHishov pleaded guilty, Poplavsky - no. In February, it became known that the place occupied Poplavskiy Boris Avdeev, previously engaged in construction projects in Sochi and a new general contractor was FSUE "Repair and Construction Department" RF President Administration.

Seaside aquarium on the island of Russian was the most closed and mysterious construction project of APEC, while the press has not appeared scandalous anonymous letter to the aquarium staff. They argued that in the aquarium due to staff negligence killed fish and animals, the water does not meet the standards in the pool with the dolphins swimming outsiders and so on. Only after that secrecy has been removed - under construction in the aquarium for the first time allowed journalists.

- We have had several cases of destruction of animals, we do not deny. But there is not oneelementwise, and talk about the fault of our employees is difficult - told "Novaya Gazeta" deputy director of the Primorye Oceanarium Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Ph.D. Vadim Serkov. - The most notorious case - the death of the sea otter. Was it at us all week, about a month before that lived in the Bay of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, at the exit of wastewater, it is unclear what eating. We brought him to rehab, but unfortunately, he was seriously ill and was unable to save him. The cause of death of the bottlenose dolphin (dolphin -. VA) was pneumonia. In August, we found a violation of microbiological indicators, which coincided with the moment of the disease. After this disinfection treatment was carried out, since all indicators in the norm. The reasons for getting bacteria in the water can be different. Anyone without washing his hands, he could bring them to the pool. The object has not yet delivered, there appear extraneous people - builders, who have complete debugging of ventilation systems and other systems.

In August, the aquarium lights went out, causing the death of rare fish.

- The building we were not transferred, Avamalarial diesel generators are not passed - they are the responsibility of the general contractor. It turned out, it does not even have a stock of fuel. We ourselves went, bought a few extra barrels of fuel, but diesel generator still does not start: it was necessary to carry out maintenance earlier. After that we did not particularly look forward to the general contractor and have their own small diesel generators, which in the case of what we can, at least, the main pools with fish provide. There were serious consequences off, lost a lot of fish. Worst of all, died tropical fish. This is now engaged in the inter-district environmental prosecutor's office - said Serkov.

The anonymous letter said about swimming with dolphins: that it engaged itself Poplavskii with their guests. Serkov said that records from surveillance cameras in the pool Poplavskiy he has not seen, but the fact that swimming does not deny outsiders:

- When we heard about it in August - just in horror came. There was a serious discussion of our management with Poplavsky that this is unacceptable. After this was nothing like this. It is possible that inabout the time of bathing and the infection has been brought into the pool.

- Who wrote the letter?

- Last year, we laid off several employees for poor work performance. Going back, the people said: "We will fight." The court is considering their applications, the decision is still pending. We assume that these anonimschiki - employees who have been dismissed for improper performance of their duties.

Facts of animal deaths were, but the causes are incorrect. The problem is related to the information is closed. We have always been opposed to closed, I myself have repeatedly turned to Poplavsky to allow me to give an interview, but always refused. Now we have given permission.

- When the system will be put into the main building?

- There terminated finishing work, carried out installation of equipment, start commissioning. The main thing - to debug the operation of life support systems. Purification of water in fish occurs by using biological filtration - special filters, which increases the bacterial mass. For the maturation of biological filtersYou need 3 to 6 months. Therefore, even when the building will be put into operation, we immediately moved there animals and fish.

PS Oceanarium - is not the only long-term construction of the APEC summit. Vladivostok has not yet completed two five-star hotels, which a few days ago the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai to feed Miklushevsky governor has allocated the next 1.4 billion rubles from the regional budget deficit, despite protests from the parliamentary opposition. "Tighten" Trutnev called the Far East envoy and the process of creating a gambling zone "Primorye". A lot of questions, including the prosecutor's office, and the Bucs is building shipyard "Zvezda" in the nearby Bolshoy Kamen.