Rosneft makes more banks

The company may buy bank subsidiaries of VEB.
In the three final bidders for the purchase of owned Vnesheconombank (VEB) "Globex" Svyaz-Bank and it became one of the "Rosneft" group of companies. She filed a corresponding application and reached the finals. The decision as to whom to sell, banks, state-owned corporation will in mid-February, but experts say the chances of "Rosneft" is extremely high. The oil company already has a bank - the Bank are in the case of the purchase of "daughters" VEB bank assets groups can be combined.

The fact that the company (name not disclosed), a member of the group of "Rosneft", is a contender for the purchase of "Globex" and Svyaz-Bank, told "Kommersant" several sources close to the VEB and "Rosneft". According to one source, "Kommersant", currently at three major state-owned corporation of the applicant from among the applicants. "Of these, up to mid-February VEB management chooses one, and it has to be discussed details of the transaction, - continues the source" b ".- It is the sale of the two banks together." The other two candidates, according to sources, "b", - the banker structure Artyom Avetisyan (see "Kommersant" on November 30, 2016.) And owned by Russian Railways NPF "Welfare". Possible transaction stakeholders not comment. "VEB does not intend to comment on any information on the deal before making a decision", - told "Kommersant", the press service of VEB. In the "Rosneft" also declined to comment. So did the executive director of "Fortune" Yuri Novozhilov. Mr. Avetisyan yesterday did not respond to calls and text messages.

Sale of "Globex" and Svyaz-Bank as a non-core assets by the new strategy of the state corporation until 2021. VEB expects to sell banks in the first quarter of 2017. In early November 2016 the State Corporation sent an offer of 90 potential candidates for purchase. November 10 VEB Chairman Sergei Gorkov said that waiting for the end of November, to gather suggestions. According to him, at that time VEB had five candidates.

Although the final decision is made, the chances that it is "Rosneft" will be the purchaser of VEB's subsidiary banks, large. "It is obvious that the possibility of" Rosneft "is incomparably higher than that of competitors, in addition, in this case, the transaction can be carried out quickly because of" Rosneft "in the moment have the necessary resources for the acquisition of banks and this is important" - said the source " Kommersant ", close to the state corporation.

VEB is necessary as a "daughter" to sell as soon as possible to re-register obtained to reorganize Svyaz-Bank and "Globex" Central Bank loan in the amount of 212.6 billion rubles. in perpetual subordinated debt and include it in the capital. The relevant agreement between VEB and the Central Bank achieved (see. "B" of 27 December 2016).

If the "daughter" VEB will get the structure of "Rosneft", the later is very likely they will be attached to the existing in her bank - RRDB, knows the source "Kommersant", close to the oil company. However, this is not the primary issue. Now we are discussing what could be Sanatorium RRDB bank "Relight" (see. "Kommersant" dated January 9), and it is first necessary to "deal" with the asset continues to "Kommersant" source. The RRDB not responded to the request "b". According to the rating of "Interfax" in the third quarter of 2016 RRDB held assets (228.4 billion rubles). 36th place.

What kind of deal could go in this case, experts find it difficult to estimate, but they believe that the deal is only possible with a very significant discount to the capital of banks. Find buyers for Svyaz-Bank and "Globex" is quite difficult, said Fitch Ratings analyst Anton Lopatin. Financial performance of banks is not at the level: for the year they are both entered in the top five most unprofitable according to Russian accounting standards. Losses "Globex" amounted to 29.5 billion rubles, Svyaz-Bank -. 14 billion rubles. According to Mr. Lopatin, a large part of the loss - because of provisions that became possible after the recapitalization of banks. Thus, the loss of Svyaz Bank for December amounted to 11.8 billion rubles., Of which 7 billion rub.- it reserves for loan losses, 4 billion rub.- Securities. Loss "Globex" in December amounted to 5.8 billion rubles., Of which 4 billion is rub.- allowance for losses on loans, 1.5 billion rub.- Securities, said Mr. Lopatin.

However, the price and does not have a value. According to managing partner of Advance Capital Karen Dashyan, it is possible that "Rosneft", making a request for the purchase of banks, the state carries out the order, helping to VEB to get rid of non-core assets. The expert did not rule out that after buying the oil company will use them for lending their projects.