PricewaterhouseCoopers was accused of facilitating tax evasion

The Audit Committee of the Parliament of Great Britain has accused one of the world's largest auditing firms PricewaterhouseCoopers in assisting multinational companies in tax evasion "on an industrial scale."
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In a report published on the website of the British Parliament, the members of the Counting Commission of the House of Commons argue that PwC to mislead the authorities about its assistance to hundreds of large firms in the removal of millions of tax revenues through offshore. According to them, the auditing company advised its customers to use the circuit that lie in deriving profits in Luxembourg through intercompany loans. "This is nothing like assistance in tax evasion on an industrial scale", - the report says.

PwC Testing began after 2014 was leaked 548 messages from the correspondence of the company and the tax authorities of Luxembourg of 343 firms. Among PwC UK office customers, companies such as Amazon, IKEA, Coca-Cola, Vodafone, and others. 80 companies suspected of tax evasion, based in the UK.

In particular, the pharmaceutical company Shire Pharmaceuticals paid in the UK only 0.0156% of the profits as corporate tax is 21%. Representatives of Shire Pharmaceuticals has announced that it is always complied with tax zakonodatlstvo in the jurisdiction in which they work.

At the same time members of the commission auditors suspected that earlier they were false proof of his innocence. Then the representatives of PwC responded to emerging claims that do not violate the law and "not engaged in the business of selling tax schemes." They noted that the tax system is too complex, to the same state at the same time seeks both to obtain investment and tax collection.

The Commission did not specify exactly what steps to follow for the identification of these facts. One of the ideas was the proposal to the Government to introduce a code of conduct for consultants and tax system of penalties for its violation.

The scandal over tax evasion mediated by PwC broke out in November last year. Then the International Consortium for Investigative Journalism found that 343 corporations have concluded secret agreements with Luxembourg, the purpose of which was tax evasion. Documents related to the period from 2002 to 2010. PwC's clients are many large companies, including the Russian "Alfa Group», Evraz, «Mr.GAZPROM ", a group of Home Credit, RESO Group and Sberbank.

Only a third of the 548 documents contained specific amounts that firms were willing to transfer to Luxembourg affiliated company or invest in the country's economy. The total amount was $ 215 billion, in reality, the size of these funds can be several times higher.

In connection with this scandal in the European Parliament passed a vote of confidence of the European Commission Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker, who is almost 20 years was the prime minister of Luxembourg. Voting has ended in favor of Juncker, at that time was at the head of the European Commission is less than a month.