Artem Chaika buried the top managers of "Berdyaush" in rubble

In the Chertanovskiy Court of Moscow, a debate began on the case of embezzling in the manufacturing company of the Berdyaush rubble, which was bought for several years by the son of Prosecutor General of Russia Yury Chaika - Artem Chayka.
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Chaika bought the company, but instead of paying for the purchase, he initiated a criminal case against the seller.

How not to pay for their purchases? Secret prosecutor's son

Artem Chaika acquired the Berdyaush company in 2014 from businessman Sergei Vilshenko, promising to pay him $ 80 million. The company is a major supplier of rubble for Russian Railways. Later, Chaika also bought 100% of the shares of the First Non-Metallic Company, merging it with Berdyaush, and undertook to transfer to Vilshenko 20% of the shares of the combined company instead of the previously promised money. But Artem Chaika did not fulfill his obligations.

Instead, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on embezzlement against Vilshenko and several former employees of Berdiaush. The case file states that an audit conducted at the request of the prosecutor general’s son revealed schemes for withdrawing money from the company’s accounts under allegedly fictitious agreements on cargo transportation and supply of spare parts. The investigation counted 24 fake companies and three episodes of embezzlement totaling 140 million rubles.

According to the results of the investigation, the former directors of Berdyaush Dmitry Suprun and Ekaterina Krasnikhina, as well as the economist Elena Dorojevich, fell on the dock. The former manager of the Russian Railways and the former owner of Berdyaush, Sergey Vilshenko, fled from the investigation and Artem Chaika abroad, having received the citizenship of Greece. The remaining persons involved in the case do not consider themselves guilty, saying that they acted on instructions from the leadership and did not commit anything illegal.

In court, the state prosecutor, subordinate to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, requested 9 years in prison for Dorojevich, 8 years in prison for Krasnykhina with a postponement of sentence, 4 years in prison for Suprun.

During the investigation, Krasnykhina, the defendant, managed to have a child while under house arrest, and wrote an appeal to the children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova, calling her trial biased. She directly linked the prosecution of the ex-leadership of Berdyaush to Chaika’s attempt to avoid fulfilling the obligations of the deal to buy the company, as he had not paid either $ 80 million or 20% of the shares to the former owner of the company.