FG "Future" will give a debt to the Cyprus offshore of Roman Avdeev

The debt of Boris Mints corporation in the amount of 1.67 billion rubles sailed to Cyprus.
Financial Group (FG) "Future" recognized that its debt to the Moscow Credit Bank (ICB) was assigned to the offshore Riverstretch Trading & Investments (RT & I), which the media is associated with the group of companies "Region". Also, the FG significantly reduced the book value of its non-government pension funds (NPFs).

Debt FG "Future" before the IBC in 1.67 billion rubles. was assigned to the Cyprus company RT & I, follows from the quarterly report of the FY. The rate for this loan is the key rate of the Central Bank plus 4.5%, the maturity date is the end of 2022.

This group took this credit in March 2016 - then the pledge for it was part of the shares of the flagship NPF "Future", included in the FG, Vedomosti reported. Initially, the terms for it were different: the rate was 14.5% per annum, the limit was 1.9 billion rubles. However, at the end of 2016 it was reissued to a new loan on current terms.

Also, the debt to the IBC was with the majority shareholder of the group, the Cyprus company O1 Group. In February 2015, this offshore company took out a loan in the bank for € 106 million (the loan rate was 6.7% per annum), and then in June of the same year another one - by 9 billion rubles. (key rate CB plus 1.5%). Pledge became the shares of NPF "Future" and "Telecom-Union", and pay off on loans O1 Group was due by 2020. Before the IPO of the "Future" group in autumn 2016, the pledges were re-registered: all unplaced shares of FG were encumbered.

FG "Future" includes four APFs - the same name fund, "Telecom-Union", "Social Development" and "Education". In the second quarter, the group overestimated its assets. If the book value of NPF "Future" at the end of the first quarter was 37.1 billion rubles, then in three months - already 26.6 billion rubles., The cost of NPF Telecom-Union was reduced from 2.9 billion to 1.4 billion rubles, "Social Development" and "Education" as of June 30 were estimated at 538.2 million rubles. and 319.7 million rubles. respectively. The group explained the decision to reduce the book value of assets by "a combination of factors," including a decrease in its capitalization. At the end of the trading day, the capitalization of the FY on the Moscow stock exchange was 10.3 billion rubles. In October 2016, during the IPO, the group was valued at 58.5 billion rubles.

In early March 2018, Laysa Group and O1 Group announced that the latter is selling Laysa Group its developer's package of Boris Minta O1 Properties, with part of the terms and value of the transaction being the Laysa Group's obligation to repay the O1 Group loan to the IBC for a total of about 25 billion rubles. At the end of the same month, in an interview with Kommersant, Roman Avdeev, the owner of the majority shareholder of the IBC concern Rossium, said that his concern bought out a loan to the Future for himself, and hired RT & I to work with debt, which "proved itself in the market work with problematic objects ".

The media linked the Cyprus company RT & I with GC Region, although the latter denied any connection with the offshore company.

In an interview with Vedomosti, Alexander Sokolov, chairman of the board of Trust Bank, answered the question whether his credit organization is negotiating with RT & I on O1 Group's troubled debts to the ICB and its collateral, said: "We are holding negotiations at the working level with GC Region "For this debt." "Why did Mr. Sokolov say so, I think, you can clarify only himself," said the representative of the Civil Code. In the Central Bank (the majority shareholder of Bank Trust), as well as in FC Otkritie, they did not respond to a request from Kommersant.

In May, the interlocutors of Kommersant said that the funds of FG Future are passing under the control of the structures working with Rosneft. In May-June, NPFs, members of the group, began to enter into trust management agreements with CC Region Region Trust (part of the Region Group of Companies). "All the working assets of the group's funds are now managed by these funds," a source close to the FG told Kommersant. The Region Group works closely with Rosneft, including managing the pension funds of its NPFs, arranging the placements of its bonds, and participating in a number of companies together with the Oil Company.

In July, Kommersant sources told Kommersant that NPF Future and Telecom-Union could in the future be merged with Neftegarant, a joint-stock company. Now there is a process of merging the three funds: "Consent OPS" (majority shareholder - "Rossium", minority - included in the Group of Companies "Region" the same-name investment company), APF Neftegarant and Neftegarant NGO. Shareholder NPF Neftegarant (share 30%) and Neftegarant NGO (100%) is the company RN pension assets. It belongs to the nonprofit organization NPF Neftegarant, the main founder of which is Rosneft (99% stake). The management companies of GC Region manage the funds of these APFs, and one of them manages ZPIF Ritm, which owns the Far Eastern Bank, the majority shareholder (70%) of NPF Neftegarant. At the end of July, Region Group announced that former CEO of Sberbank NPF Galina Morozova will oversee the pension business of the group.