Yuri Milner does not invest

Yuri Milner was for years the only Russian in the “Midas list” compiled by Forbes. Two years ago he was in the top 20. The investor did not get into the new rating.
Origin source
Russian billionaire Yuri Milner is not included in the new ranking of the most successful venture capital investors in the world according to Forbes - The Midas List ("Midas List").

The DST Global Foundation, founded by Milner and his partners, has invested in its early stages on Facebook, Twitter, Alibaba, Xiaomi, and many other technology startups. Due to this, Milner was the only representative of Russia in the rating for years. In 2015-2017, thanks to successful investments in Chinese companies, he was in the top twenty of the list. But last year he abruptly lost ground and dropped out of the first half of the list, taking only 52nd place.

The entrepreneur took the 31st place in the rating of “200 richest businessmen of Russia in 2018” according to the Russian version of Forbes. His fortune magazine valued at $ 3.7 billion.

Who is on the list

In this case, the Midas List for the first time included two managing partners of DST Global. Rahul Mehta took the 34th place, he is engaged in the fund's investments in companies from the USA, Indonesia and India. John Lindfors heads the Hong Kong foundation office and leads the Chinese business. In the rating of investors, he is located on the 41st line.

For the second year in a row, Neil Shen, managing partner of the fund Sequoia Capital China (investment in the Chinese marketplace of financial services PPDAI Group), heads the Midas List. Benchmark Capital partner Peter Fenton is on the second place (Twitter, Docker, Yelp and Quip). Another Benchmark partner Bill Gurley closes the top three (he oversaw the fund's early investments in Uber, which is now preparing for an IPO).

How to calculate the rating

Forbes includes in the Midas List investors who successfully invested in startups, which later became large companies. The magazine ranks investors according to their package. The companies that entered IPO are accounted for, have been acquired for at least $ 200 million in the past five years, or have attracted at least $ 400 million in investment.