An embezzler was found in Mosoblbank

The former head of the bank Viktor Yanin has been arrested.
As the "Kommersant", arrested the former chairman of the board and former head of the board of directors is now rehabilitated MOSOBLBANK Viktor Yanin. He was the first accused in the case of embezzlement of funds of depositors of the bank, which is investigating the investigative department of the Ministry of Interior. According to investigators, the banker involved in the conclusion of the Bank not less than 400 mln., Which he spent on their own needs. In total, according to the Central Bank, the bank could disappear tens of billions of rubles.

Viktor Yanin was detained in the building of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Interior, where he was summoned for questioning as a witness. By results of interrogation, the investigator changed the procedural status of the ex-banker from a witness on a suspect, detaining him for two days. Then the investigation turned to the Tver district court of Moscow with a request for the arrest of Mr. Ioannina. In it, in particular, it pointed out that, once free, the former top manager MOSOBLBANK can put pressure on witnesses in criminal proceedings, destroy evidence, hide abroad and continue to engage in criminal activity. banker's guarantee of protection proposed was rejected, and he was arrestedfor two months.

Recently, Viktor Yanin Investigation Department has been charged with a crime under part. 4. Art. 160 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement on a large scale). Thus, he became the first defendant in a sensational case of embezzlement of funds from the bank.

Former co-owner Alexander MOSOBLBANK Malczewski told "Kommersant" that he knew nothing about the arrest of Victor Ioannina. Lord Malczewski, he said, for questioning did not cause "any claims to me no."

The investigation department of the Ministry of Interior yesterday declined to comment on the case. However, the source "b" it became known that Viktor Yanin is charged with the organization of a fraudulent scheme to withdraw funds depositors. According to her, Mr. Yanin, and other senior officials MOSOBLBANK concluded credit agreements for their own employees, their relatives and friends, telling them that the cash required for technical needs, the bank itself to repay debt and for borrowers, these operations will not be any " negative "effects. The RESULTmore than 400 million rubles were received those only Mr. Yanin., and debts for this amount hung on borrowers.

Note that the same withdrawal of funds scheme was revealed by employees GUEBiPK MIA in operational support of investigation, not only in MOSOBLBANK, but also master the bank, which thanks to the efforts of anti-corruption department of the Central Bank revoked the license.

It should be noted that the prosecution sanitized bankers from banks is a rarity. The fact that this requires the presence of the affected part, such as bank customers. And as a result of the rehabilitation obligations to them are carried out in full, it affected de facto no.

With regard MOSOBLBANK, it is already clear that the framework established in case the episode would not be the last. The result verified data on the withdrawal of funds under the fictitious loans of several commercial structures and other theft schemes.

About rehabilitation MOSOBLBANK "Kommersant" reported on 19 May. His improvement (to his bank was under the control of the father and son Alexander and Andrzej Malczewski), nwhich is generally a result, planned to allocate 117 billion rubles. (96 billion rub.- closing holes, remaining suspended in a few months - in the capital of the bank), was the largest after the Bank of Moscow. The decision was made the Central Bank in mid-May. Rehabilitation MOSOBLBANK been controlled by brothers Arkady and Boris Rotenberg SMP Bank. For this purpose, it allocated a ten-year loan at 0.51% per annum. Selecting the sanatorium sources "b" familiar with the situation, explained by the fact that he should have sufficient resources to influence former owners (they are after rehabilitation are excluded from ownership and management of banks) in the case of non-cooperative.

However, according to "Kommersant" on the interlocutors who are familiar with the course of events, statements to law enforcement agencies SMP Bank did not write. According to them, the law enforcement agencies addressed the Bank of Russia. Get the comments in the Central Bank did not succeed. Earlier in June, at the St. Petersburg International Banking Conference deputy chairman Mikhail Sukhov said that the results will be made public MOSOBLBANK checks for the summer.

As previously reported by " b "in rehabilitation perimeter was not only Mosoblbank, but also members of the Republican Financial Corporation Inresbank and finance business bank, but the key problem areas in the group is still Mosoblbank reason for the reorganization is that the overwhelming part of deposits (more.. . 70 billion rubles), the bank is not reflected on the balance of Special macro evening of the day when the means of the citizen in deposits automatically terminated allegedly at the request of the depositor's agreement (without closing a bank account) and concluded the other -. for example, purchase of securities and some companies linked through chains of different lengths with the structures of the bank's owners. This enabled the bank, despite the limitation of the Central Bank of the volume of attracted funds from the public to finance business through public money.

The quality of the assets in which the output means citizens raise serious questions. As indicated when the sources of "Kommersant", the owners of all kinds of projects have been largely illiquid. Among such objects listed horse breeding and equestrian centers, development projects, willinglyichi land and other non-core assets of the bank. A number of assets and loans were all kind of obscure companies. In this case the time of rehabilitation assets were outside the bank balance, that is, in fact, have been withdrawn from it. After the reorganization, some assets were returning to MOSOBLBANK balance, but their quality is still remained in doubt. "For example, what are in reality guarantees and warranties from the structures of the former owners?" - Indicate the source "b".