Where goes the money of the Russian Football Union

Head coach of the Russian national football team Fabio Capello has not received salary for half a year. As Vedomosti found out, the Italian's employer, the Russian Football Union, could pay off this debt, if it managed the finances better.
Today, the RAF is obliged to repay the arrears of wages Fabio Capello and a number of other Union staff, including assistant head coach Orest Chinkvini. This is the second deadline set for the Union by the Federal Service for Labour and Employment (Rostrud). The first, scheduled for December 19 at the request of the RAF has been extended for a month.

"RFS is making all efforts to repay, we are interested in it, as well as in improving the financial condition of the Union and the Russian football in general. We will try to comply with its obligations and after December 19 "- so the RFU president Nikolai Tolstoy months ago Reply to the question of" Vedomosti "about when the highest paid coach of the national football team in the world will get the money. Daily Mail in June 2014 estimated the salary Capello Euro 8.3 million a year. According to a person close to the RAF, Italian salary in Russia is still less than - 7.5 million euros per year. But in this case it is two-thirds more than the next trainer in the list - England coach Roy Hodgson

However, his big salary Capello gets longermore than six months, despite the fact that its size was confirmed at the conclusion of a new contract with the coach in January 2014, shortly before the World Cup in Brazil. The term of the new contract expires after the World Championship 2018, which will be held in Russia.

Capello himself has repeatedly stated that the situation concerned and tired of questions about the salary delay, which he set abroad and in Russia. According to the trainer, discussing the months-long delay with a fat paycheck, he reacted with understanding to explanations of the reasons for the president of the RFU defaults. "I assure you that all this has no effect on my work with the Russian team. For me the most important thing - it's football and all that it takes place ", - said Capello in a November interview with" Championship ". "Vedomosti" failed to get comments Capello.

Rostrud was not so patient. According to one member of the RAF, who did not pay, the inspection service in Moscow in November, held an unscheduled inspection Union and found a debt of 181 million rubles. For this service Tolstoy fined 4,000 rubles. And vozglavtrolled their union -. 40 000 rubles, gave "Vedomosti" through the press service of the head of department in the federal state supervision over the observance of labor legislation Rostrud Egor Ivanov. "Until now, the documents confirming the debt payment is not received, - said in response Ivanov's" Vedomosti "dated January 15th. - If, at the expiration of prescriptions (19 January) is not received documents confirming the debt repayment Rostrud again hold an unscheduled inspection of the RFU. " According to a person close to the RFU, Rostrud saw only a small part of the debt. Taking into account the growth of the euro "clean" debt to Capello, amounting to 5-5.5 million euros, reached 400 million rubles. RFS has to pay income and the unified social tax on this amount, which will increase the debt by about 200 million rubles. That is only the debts of the union wage employees -. About 600 million rubles, says the source "Vedomosti". A member of the RFU confirms it.

What makes the RFU

It is strange that the RAF could not pay offCapello, the money for this in the Union should be surprised experts and alliance partners.

In 2014, the RAF revenues were higher than in the previous head of the Union, are assessing Pyotr Makarenko, former commercial director and co-owner of the RFU "Telesport," concluded almost all existing sponsorship agreements of the RFU. Thick previously said that the revenue of the Union budget in the last year amounted to about 3 billion rubles, and the maintenance costs of all the teams -. 1.6 billion rubles. At the same time the costs for participation in tournaments and Youth football teams of Russia - from 50 million to 70 million rubles. - In the past year assumed the Ministry of Sports, said Makarenko. The representative of the Ministry of Sports of this information has not commented.

For comparison: the RFU President Vitaly Mutko, currently holds the post of Minister of Sport, the profitable part of the union budget was 1.7 billion rubles, 100 million rubles.. He gave Roman Abramovich to pay national team coach Guus Hiddink, and under President Sergei Fursenko, has concluded a sponsorship contract with "Gazprom» , Union received about 2 billion rubles. in year.

Who is now pEnos RFS money? Firstly, at the Union had and have sponsorship deals with Russian and international companies: Adidas, Coca-Cola, Huawei, Volkswagen (VW), «Aeroflot» , CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW (CBM), Railways, Vnesheconombank (VEB) «MegaFon» , «Novatek» . All existing contracts concluded before 2018, said Makarenko, without naming their value. This year, the pool of sponsors can join brewer "Baltika» .

The average amount of a commercial sponsor of the RFU contract - about 100 million rubles. per year, says the man who has seen such contracts. According to him, the agreement with the VW, which in addition to providing money RFS also cars, bringing the RFU more. The annual agreement with the RFU, "Novatek", which ended in November 2014, -. 400 million rubles, Adidas will pay for a 10-year contract to about $ 100 million In addition, Adidas provides the RFU form and other equipment.. Adidas spokesman did not comment on the terms of cooperation with the RAF, noting that all its points are met. Employee VEB states that the sum of the bank's contract with the RFU a little less than 100 million rubles. in year. "Aeroflot" - penscustomer's network Russian national team, the money the company union does not, just do not take money for the flights, said a source in the "Aeroflot". If all the count, sponsors could pay the RFU about 1.5 billion rubles. for 2014, says a person close to the organization.

The effectiveness of the sponsorship relationship with the team and the RFU companies estimate differently. "Baltika" discusses cooperation with the RFU, reached certain agreements, says Vice President of marketing at Maxim Lazarenko. The company appreciates the effectiveness of sports sponsorship. It gives us a better return than other channels, including allowing the display of beer advertising during broadcasts, Lazarenko says. "Baltika" in 2013 sponsored by the Continental Hockey League (KHL), and is very happy with this project. "Ice hockey and soccer - two of the most popular sport in Russia, and we will be happy if we could conclude a partnership agreement with the RFU," - said Lazarenko. «Huawei worldwide support football, we believe that it contributes to brand recognition," - said the press officer toMpano. On the extension of the agreement so far, because of the current partnership agreement, but Huawei is aimed at long-term cooperation with the union, he adds.

There are also dissatisfied. For example, the "Megaphone" stopped paying the RFU money: operator contract with the union ended after the World Cup in Brazil. "We decided that we just be sponsors to advertise in stadiums is not as effective for business - explains the CEO of Business Development at Michael Dubin mass market. - Therefore, a free application developed "Look +", which allowed fans to receive an additional exclusive content. Thus, in the "See +" we showed the entire Olympic Games and Paralympic Games [in Sochi], the world championships in football and hockey, but now almost all are translating the game of the KHL. Unfortunately, the RAF could not offer us a sponsorship package that would contain the rights to broadcast matches via mobile devices. So now we have focused on cooperation with the CHL, as well as the support of the Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics Russian Cup and at the behestBolu among men. "

In the fall she ended the contract with the national team and "Novatek", confirmed a company spokesperson. A person familiar with the terms of the contract, said that the company has received the status of the general partner of Russian national football team, rather than the RAF. The urgent need to renew the contract is not right now. The "Novatek" have time to think before the season, that is. E. Until the spring, said the source "Vedomosti".

Representatives of the ICD, VEB declined to comment and representatives of the VW, Railways, Coca-Cola did not respond to the request "Vedomosti".

Another source of funding for the RAF - receipts from international football organizations. The International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) last year twice, in February and August, to transfer money for the RFU output of the Russian team in the final of the World Cup and the tournament, both times - for $ 8 million, FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer. In addition, the RFU money each year lists the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) - for specific programs such as the development of youth football, and so on, talking about several millions.BPO reminds Makarenko. UEFA spokesman Pedro Penta did not call, "Vedomosti" the exact number of deductions Union, but said it was "quite a large sum." That is the only international federation union could list up to 1 billion rubles last year.

Solid amount of the RFU list and big Russian businessmen. And some of them do not require a return on that investment. Before the World Cup 300 million rubles. Union listed businessman Alisher Usmanov - it was a gratuitous assistance for the preparation of the national team to participate in the tournament, told "Vedomosti" a source close to the RFU. "Within the framework of charitable activities Alisher Usmanov annually sends hundreds of millions of rubles to support Russian sports, including continuing to support the RAF, promoting the development of domestic football," - said the representative of the businessman. Distribution of financial aid is the responsibility of the RFU management, Usmanov himself is not involved in this process, he adds.

Co-owner of Moscow football club "Spartak" and the oil company "Lukoil»  LeoNID Fedun gave the RAF in 2013, a loan of 210 million rubles. under 8.25% per annum, tell people close to the business and to the RFU. The money was supposed to return the RAF until July 2014, but had still not given and including interest debt organization to Fedun increased to about 300 million rubles. Businessman very upset about it, says one of the interlocutors "Vedomosti".

Old debts pull down

Money is the RFU based on revenues from sponsors and partners, the FIFA and UEFA should be enough not only to pay the salaries Capello and aides, but also for the payment of debts to partners and contractors. On what does the money go? Firstly, the RAF pays taxes, without trying to optimize them, what has every right as a nonprofit organization, said a person close to the RFU. In just the last year the union has paid RUB 250-300 million. taxes. If the union will pay less tax than in previous years - wait for the tax authorities to check, explains refusal to optimize other person close to the RFU.

Secondly, RFS replaces the more expensive bank loans taken earlier resources, told "Vedomosti" the bankIra, and people close to the RFU. Several years ago, when an alliance Fursenko took 8.5% of the loan in the bank "Russia" annually. At the time of the arrival of Tolstoy in the RAF in September 2012 payable on this loan amounted to about 600 million rubles.

RFS to repay the loan in "Russia" took borrow money Ergobanke where Tolstoy at the time was a member of the Board of Directors, at 14%, says a person close to the RFU. This loan also knows the former employee union. Tolstoy was also a minority shareholder of the bank, he recalls. According to SPARC, Tolstoy in 2009-2012. It belonged from 1.3 to 1.14% of the share capital of the financial institution. Now the president of the RFU does not appear in any co-owners of any directors Ergobanka. Receive comments from representatives of the bank or executives failed.

Then the RAF refinancing in Lanta-Bank, borrowed 150 million rubles. already at 16% per annum, said knowing about the financial situation of the Union people. According to the 'Report on the financial status of the RFU on 30 September 2014 ", presented to the executive committee of the RFU in December, the loan was to be repaid 26 December 2014, the property of the RFU (field was laid on it,vehicles, equipment, etc.) by 200 million rubles. Is this loan repaid is unknown.

According to the same debt to help Capello and Chinkvini amounted to € 5 million (of which EUR 2.3 million - overdue), an additional 70 million rubles. Union should Moscow center of business and sports (Interregional Library Cooperation Centre) for the lease of office of the RFU in the People's Street. The shareholders of the company itself and the RFU Moscow. There are other debts. Firm "Academservice", which reserves a hotel for the RAF and tickets, the RFU owes about 40 million rubles. "Academservice" filed a lawsuit for the recovery of the arrears, the deputy general director Alexander Kurnosov company. From other comments he refused.

In total, according to the reference, September 30, the total short-term debt of the RFU (with a maturity of less than 12 months) amounted to about 1.5 billion rubles. December executive committee of the RFU instructed the union to form a crisis committee, which will help improve the financial state of the union. But solving financial problems is not found, the RFU budget for 2015 has not yet been approved.

"Partnership with the Russian team is very interesting to us, but nekotorye solutions of the current leadership of the RFU make you think about whether we should continue or look for a sports federation with a more progressive approach to sponsors, "- says one of the existing marketing team partners. All cooperation is very difficult to discuss, to talk with the leaders of the RAF is almost impossible, decisions shall be taken for a long time, he lists.

Tolstoy could not and can not operate in a commercial environment that is detrimental not only to the Russian Football Union, but throughout the emerging sports industry in the country, says Makarenko. There is a risk of the RFU recognition bankrupt due to non-payment of debt. And it will be a threat for the World Cup 2018 in Russia - in fact a contract with FIFA to hold the tournament is precisely the Football Association, he fears. Law enforcement situation in the RAF are not interested: statements about the financial crimes in the union at the Interior Ministry have been reported, said a source in the department. The representative of the Prosecutor General's Office did not respond to the call the correspondent of "Vedomosti".

Familiar Capello told "Vedomosti & raquo ;, that in late January, the head coach himself can initiate the termination of the contract, if by that time the debt to him will not be repaid. In this case, the penalty may exceed EUR 25 million - under the terms of the agreement in case of early termination of the contract Capello must receive all due to him until 2018 payment. Another friend also heard from Capello promise to think about the termination of the contract if the RFU management has fulfilled its obligations.

Representatives of the RFU and the team could not comment on the situation.