25 most expensive CEOs: Forbes annual ranking

Forbes has presented its fifth annual ranking of the most highly paid heads of Russian companies.
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In the first place this year - the head of "Gazprom" Alexei Miller (assessment vozragrazhdeniya - $ 17.7 million). "Rosneft" Igor Sechin, President occupies second place in the evaluation of compensation $ 13 million. Last year, they received, according to Forbes, $ 27 million and $ 17.5 million respectively.

The total remuneration of all participants rating fell for the year half. Rating left the former head of "Bank of Moscow" Mikhail Kuzovlev, the former head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, CEO of "EuroChem" Dmitry Strezhnev, the former head of "RusHydro" Yevgeny Dod, the former head of "Bashneft" Alexander Corsica and former general director of "MegaFon" Ivan Tavrin. Their places were taken by: Vimpelcom CEO Jean-Yves Charlier, CEO of "Pole" Pavel Grachev, predpravleniya "Inter RAO" Boris Kovalchuk, CEO of "Metalloinvest" Andrew Varichev, President of "Transneft" Nikolay Tokarev and CEO of X5 Retail Group Igor Shekhterman.

At the rate down. Devaluation has reduced incomes of top managers, on average, one and a half times
In five years, total payments CEOs fell by almost exactly the same as the ruble

This year's rating Forbes «25 most expensive managers" will be five years. We started to make it in times of unprecedented generosity of employers, which peaked in 2012: while the 25 largest companies in Russia, according to official figures, paid all its top managers a total of $ 1.89 billion in 2014, the total amount was modest - $ 1. 23 billion, and in 2015-m. - only $ 827 million Since 2012, total payments decreased 2.3 times, about the same and the ruble fell.

Salaries and bonuses heads of Russian companies in the vast majority of cases (90%, according to managing partner of Horton International Andrei Filippov) today fixed in rubles rather than in dollars and euros, as it was before. Recruitment specialists say that the managers themselves continue to believe their income in hard currency. "In recent years, the company went in two directions: -One all transfers in rubles, while others are left in the dollar, but stopped paying premiums," - says Mr. Abdushelishvili, senior partner at consulting firm Ward Howell International.

A number of participants last rating Forbes retain foreign exchange contracts. Igor Shekhterman head of X5 Retail Group minimum amount of annual remuneration for the contract is $ 4 million. This was reported by the company in its annual report. Jean-Yves Charlier (Vimpelcom) and Vladislav Soloviev (UC Rusal) and earn in dollars. Soloviev, whose annual remuneration of $ 7.4 million disclosed in UC Rusal report for the year moved into the rankings from 25th to 6th place (see. Table).

The state-owned companies reward leaders usually fixed in rubles. In the "Rosneft", this rule applies to board members, and for members of the Board of Directors of the amount indicated in dollars. Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank Andrey Akimov (№9 in the rankings) received the award in 2015 for his work in "Rosneft" board of directors in the amount of $ 530 000 State-owned companies still do not publish information on their executives. We were pleased with this year only "Inter RAO" - its CEO Boris Kovalchuk, the son of the main shareholder of the bank "Russia" Yuri Kovalchuk 162, earned 212.6 million rubles in 2015 ($ 3.5 million). The situation with the private companies are no better. Therefore, our rating was mostly estimated.

The methodology of the rating remains the same: we have limited the number of potential participants in the 70 largest in terms of revenue for 2015 enterprises excluded from these state corporations and companies run by the owners, such as the "Lukoil", "Norilsk Nickel" or the "Novatek".

Evaluation in most cases obtained by calculations based on the total remuneration paid to key management personnel in 2015 (this figure is usually the company disclosed in the statement). The rating takes into account the short-term remuneration (salary, bonuses and other forms of remuneration), the long-term remuneration (payments based on shares) and the consideration received from participation in subsidiaries' boards of directors. The calculation includes bonuses based on the results of 2014, paid in 2015, and does not include bonuses for 2015, which were paid in the spring and summer of 2016. To convert was used the average rate for 2015 - 61.3 rubles per dollar.

The results are shown in the table. If the company has disclosed the remuneration of its leader in an annual report or provided information at the request of Forbes, official data appear in the rankings.