Forbes named the most highly paid top managers of Russia

Over the five years of Forbes rankings, the total payment of the Russian top managers were reduced by 2.3 times. The value of the ruble has dropped by approximately the same value.   
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"Gazprom" CEO Alexei Miller topped the rating of the most highly paid heads of major Russian companies compiled by Forbes magazine. His remuneration for the 2015 edition is estimated at $ 17.7 million. This is $ 9.3 million less than the year before, when Miller became the first leader of the ranking of top managers.

Second place went to CEO of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin. Its revenue, Forbes estimated at $ 13 million - is $ 4.5 million less than a year earlier. The fact that Sechin will enter the ranking with revenue estimate of $ 13 million, the representative of "Rosneft" Mikhail Leontyev told Business FM radio station at the end of October, a month before the number. Forbes chief editor of the united editorial Nikolai Mazurin then declined to comment.

President and CEO Andrei Kostin, VTB was out of the rating: the size of his remuneration Forbes did not name, explaining it by the fact that the VTB Group has not provided information on the key managers, which distributed the total remuneration for 2015 in the amount of 6.1 billion rubles. A year ago, Forbes estimated the total compensation Kostina at $ 21 million, gosbankir ranked second.

In third place is the President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank German Gref, the reward of which Forbes for the previous year estimated at $ 11 ppm It is followed by CEO of ONEXIM Group Dmitry Razumov and board member of USM Holdings Ivan Streshinsky - remuneration of each magazine estimated at $ 10 ppm

Following in the top ten rankings are CEO OK "Rusal" Vladislav Soloviev (reward score - $ 7.4 million), the president and chairman of the board of AFK "Sistema" Mikhail Shamolin (reward score - $ 7.4 million), predpravleniya Mikhail Zadornov, VTB24 ( reward assessment - $ 6.5 million), Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank Andrey Akimov (reward score - $ 6.3 million), and the general director of predpravleniya "Discovery Holding" Ruben Aganbegyan (reward score - $ 6 million).

During the year, the rating left the former head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, a former chairman of the board "RusHydro" Yevgeny Dod, the former head of "Bashneft" Alexander Corsica, the former general director of "Megaphone" Ivan Tavrin, the former head of "Bank of Moscow" Mikhail Kuzovlev, General Director of "Eurochem "Dmitry Strezhnev. Their places were taken by Vimpelsom CEO Jean-Yves Charlier, CEO of "Pole" Pavel Grachev, chairman of the board "Inter RAO" Boris Kovalchuk, CEO of "Metalloinvest" Andrew Varichev, President of "Transneft" Nikolay Tokarev, CEO of X5 Retail Group Igor Shekhterman.

In the five years that Forbes published the rating of top managers, company executives total payments decreased 2.3 times, about the same fall and the ruble, the newspaper notes. Forbes first published the rating of Russia's most highly paid top managers in 2012 . Then his leader was Andrei Kostin, whose fee for the previous year was estimated at $ 30 million with an estimate of VTB disagreed:. Statement was published on the Bank's website, in which the estimate was named taken "literally from the ceiling." "According to the report of the issuer for 2011 all of the board of VTB Bank, which is headed by Costin received almost 608 million rubles. According to the logic of Forbes, apparently members of the board of VTB have to pay extra for the honor of working in a team with Kostin, "- noted in a statement VTB.

The second ranking of top managers headed by Igor Sechin, whose remuneration Forbes then estimated at $ 50 million (taking into account the premium that a top manager could get for the acquisition of "Rosneft" TNK-BP). Sechin filed a lawsuit, but he acknowledged the estimate does not correspond to reality and defaming the honor and dignity of a top manager, obliging Forbes refute it.

The following year, the first place in the rankings once again went to Andrei Kostin. His total compensation for 2013, Forbes estimated at $ 37 million. A year later, Kostin gave primacy head of "Gazprom", whose remuneration was estimated at $ 27 million.

In drawing up the Forbes rankings limited number of potential participants in the 70 largest in terms of revenue for 2015 by companies, the removal of any state corporations and companies run by the owners. In most cases the assessment of remuneration is calculated on the basis of the total compensation paid to key management of the companies in 2015. The rating takes into account these kinds of rewards, both short-term (salary, bonuses and other forms of remuneration), long-term (in the stock-based payments) and got to participate in the boards of Directors of subsidiaries. Forbes also took into account the bonuses based on the results of 2014, paid in 2015, and is not included in the calculation of bonuses for 2015, which were paid in 2016.