Yelena Baturina


"Inteko" Baturina went under the hammer


The full block of shares of the company was estimated at almost 30 billion rubles, the rights of claims of the Trust Bank against the company in the amount of 7.8 billion rubles were also put up for auction.

Innsbruck court is ready to collect from Baturina for 13 billion rubles


In the case of Viktor Baturin against his sister Elena Baturina, an unexpected turn may occur.

Elena Baturina later remembered her husband


The widow of the former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina, and ex-employees of the Moscow Mayor's Office registered the Yuri Luzhkov Heritage Development Fund.

Elena Baturina lost her luck


Why is the developer and wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina, suffering one defeat after another in Russia?

Find and lose in Morocco


How the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow, Yelena Baturina, was engaged in business with the husband of the singer Glukoza, Alexander Chistyakov.

Moscow State University is asked to demolish the housing


Rosreestr requires the demolition of facilities on the university grounds.

Shalva Chigirinsky is not a pedophile, but can still become bankrupt


The court in the United States closed the scandalous case of Shalva Chigirinsky. Now the businessman will focus on the lawsuits to Viktor Rashnikov in Cyprus. If he loses them, then the scandalous businessman will face bankruptcy.

Lenders chase Telman Ismailov into bankrupcy


The oligarch Telman Ismailov squandered hundreds of millions of dollars, and is now entangled with giant debts.

Premier League: who Alexey Khotin dreams to become


Khotin's business success his competitors often explain by his ability to build relationships with influential people. One of his good friends is said to be Boris Gryzlov.

Khot in Brent


Yuri and Alexey Khotin challenged LUKOIL for control over Bashneft.

The court allowed Elena Baturina to rewrite a claim against Glukoza's husband for €97 million


A court in London has allowed Elena Baturina to amend the statement of claim in the case of the construction of a resort in Morocco. The wife of former Moscow mayor demands €97 million from her business partner Alexander Chistyakov.

First after Baturina: a co-owner of FrutoNyanya entered the Forbes list


According to Forbes, there are two women in the ranking of the richest Russians for the first time. 

Billionaires and crisis: how the Forbes list has changed over the year


The combined wealth of 200 richest businessmen of Russia decreased by $73 billion, while the number of billionaires fell to 88 from 111.

Elena Baturina will fight for breakeven point


The key investment project of Elena Baturina, wife of Moscow's ex-mayor Yuri Luzhkov, in Europe — Grand Tirolia Hotel (Austria) and a golf club, perhaps, can reach break-even point in the coming years.

The Europeans will pull Baturina to pieces


The wife of former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina, started frienzied but not very productive business activities in Europe.