The court allowed Elena Baturina to rewrite a claim against Glukoza's husband for €97 million

A court in London has allowed Elena Baturina to amend the statement of claim in the case of the construction of a resort in Morocco. The wife of former Moscow mayor demands €97 million from her business partner Alexander Chistyakov.
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The hearing in the High Court on the suit Baturina, initiated at the beginning of 2013, took place on Wednesday, June 10, according to Financial Times. The court was told that the decision on the contract, which litigants have entered into in February 2008, will be adopted in accordance with English law. The next pre-trial hearing in the case is scheduled for September 2015, but the exact date has not been determined, the newspaper said.

The newspaper reminds that Baturina had moved with her two daughters to London in 2011, after a year before her husband Yuri Luzhkov was dismissed from his post as mayor of Moscow. She wanted her lawsuit against Chistyakov considered in a British court, but the process has not started, as in a series of pre-trial hearings was to determine in whose jurisdiction - Moscow or London - is the case.

The High Court initially ruled that the claim Baturina should be read in Russian, as the majority of documentary evidence in the case are there. However, in 2014, the appellate court agreed to the continuation of the hearing in London, although it noted that the phoyoke claims "unfounded", writes the FT. After making changes to the publication, the plaintiff will be able to count on the full process.

The latest findings of the High Court said that the defendant had assured the plaintiff "to conclude an agreement on the development of a number of real estate projects in Morocco through the provision of incorrect data ...", with the result that the invested funds were "dissipated and lost." For its part, the defendant claims that "the payments specified in the lawsuit, had been approved by representatives of the plaintiff, and said that each of them was taken into account at the time of their conduct in any event before September 2008," the FT quoted a court document.

As previously wrote RBC, according to the agreement of the parties, Baturin was to provide 65% of the investment in the project and put it around € 100 million, but the resort was never built, and now it is trying to achieve a return of affiliated money.

Representative Baturina told the FT that welcomes yesterday's decision of the court and hopes that consideration is now going faster. Chistyakov rejects accusations Baturina, who, erabout him, "unfounded". A source at the law firm Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, representing the interests of the defendant, told the publication that the claim Baturina totally unfounded and it would not have had to serve.

According to Forbes, Elena Baturina is Russia's richest woman with a fortune of $ 1 billion.

Alexander Chistyakov is a co-owner of an independent oil company Ruspetro, whose shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange. He is married to pop singer glucose. At the end of 2014, Ruspetro revenues halved, to $ 55.1 million and a net loss quadrupled to $ 272.72 million.