Roman Rotenberg


Roman Rotenberg helps his father circumvent sanctions


Finnish police blocked the funds that Roman Rotenberg, the son of EU-sanctioned Boris Rotenberg, paid as hotel tax. It belongs to a company whose assets are also frozen.

Inherited sanctions: how Roman Rotenberg's business is organized


Working in the KHL and SKA, Roman Rotenberg built his own business. What role was played by his father and uncle?

Rotenberg's factory: who Nike and Adidas entrust their goods to


The eldest son of billionaire Boris Rotenberg buys one of the leading Russian manufacturers of sportswear and souvenirs.

The Rotenbergs left everything to the children


Arkady and Boris Rotenberg transferred the assets to their sons: Igor Arkadevich got 26,4% of Mostotrest, Roman Borisovich — control over Finnish Arena Events.

Tatler as a mirror of life of the Putin's elite


Reading about the life of Russian officials' children is more useful than studying their income declaratons.