Igor Rotenberg

Igor Rotenberg, aged 42, has acquired significant assets from his 63-year-old father, Arkady Rotenberg, a former judo partner of Putin. The older Rotenberg became a billionaire from business interests developed while Putin consolidated political power. The assets Arkady has sold to his son Igor include 79 percent of drilling company Gazprom Drilling (Bureniye); 28 percent of road construction company Mostotrest; and 33 percent in TPS Real Estate Holding. Igor Rotenberg, in a written statement, told Reuters: "Of course my father gave me a good start in business. Today I am an independent businessman and I am developing my assets with my team in a competitive, market environment."

Igor Rotenberg will remain under sanctions


The EU Court of Justice rejected the Russian oligarch's complaint against being included in the sanctions list.

London scolded Putin's oligarchs


The United Kingdom was the first to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation. Five Russian banks, businessmens Igor and Boris Rotenberg, as well as Gennady Timchenko, were subject to restrictions.

Kings of the state order - 2017: Forbes rating


The multi-billion government contracts are obtained by mysterious contractors without tenders. 

Arkady Rotenberg's son Igor became a shareholder of the Tula Cartridge Factory


This industry may soon have serious defense orders.

Gazprombank turned out to be the owner of Aviapark Mall


It owns 30% of the mall worth more than $1 billion.   

Offshore tenets


How the head of Russian Technologies, Sergey Chemezov, was preparing Eureka for his son

Martial arts master: how Arkady Rotenberg's companies actually work


In companies under Arkady Rotenberg's full control, the vertical of power is created by the master of martial arts and their teams.

US accused Timchenko and Rotenberg of systematically bypassing the sanctions


The US authorities give no peace to "Putin's friends": Gennady Timchenko and the Rotenberg brothers. The US Treasury blacklisted ten companies through which these businessmen allegedly evade sanctions.

Toll roads in Russia are the most expensive in Europe


The maximum rate in Russia is 25 rubles/km, while in Italy in comparable road sections it is twice lower.

Make way for the young: why Timchenko and Rotenberg sell assets to their children


Famous businessmen sanctioned by the West, transfer their assets to the newer generation. These deals have become one of the key trends of the year.

One Rotenberg more: Arkady Rotenberg's son can be included into the Forbes ranking


The Rotenberg brothers have not become much poorer by transferring part of the assets to their children: their fortunes are still multi-billion. The son of Arkady Rotenberg, Igor, has a chance to appear in the Forbes ranking. 

The Rotenbergs left everything to the children


Arkady and Boris Rotenberg transferred the assets to their sons: Igor Arkadevich got 26,4% of Mostotrest, Roman Borisovich — control over Finnish Arena Events.

200 hectares of the Rotenbergs in Italy


The family of the Russian president's friend is building an estate on one of the most beautiful peninsulas of Tuscany.

The Audit Chamber has found excess expenditures in the construction of the Moscow-Petersburg highway


Vyshny Volochek Bypass cost 6.6 billion more than had been planned; it is being built by Mostotrest, which obatained the contract without tendering. Arkady and Igor Rotenberg as the co-owners of the company.