Potanin Vladimir


The richest heirs of Russia


Forbes presented the rating of the heirs of the richest businessmen of Russia for the third time. The first place was taken by Yusuf Alekperov, the second place was occupied by the children of Leonid Mikhelson, "bronze" - in the son and daughter of Andrei Melnichenko.

Save on taxes: how Potanin explained the idea to collect 50% of "Norilsk Nickel"


The largest shareholder of Norilsk Nickel explained that if he had combined the packages with other co-owners, they would have saved: the tax on dividends is not paid when holding more than 50%. But the partners refused.

The dispute about 4%: how UC Rusal accused Potanin and Abramovich of conspiracy


UC Rusal accused Vladimir Potanin of collusion with Roman Abramovich when agreeing on the terms of the purchase of 4% of Norilsk Nickel, and an additional incentive was a deal on the Baim deposit. Potanin denies all this.

Vladimir Potanin revealed the whole truth to the UK court


The oligarch continues to buy shares of Norilsk Nickel: its share increased by 1.5% to 34%. He told about this in the High Court of London.

Vladimir Potanin confessed his mercenary intentions to Oleg Deripaska


Vladimir Potanin told the High Court of London the whole truth about his proposal to Oleg Deripaska on his shares of Norilsk Nickel.

Forbes published a rating of 200 richest businessmen in Russia


Forbes magazine published the 15th updated rating of Russia's 200 richest businessmen, whose overall condition is estimated at $ 485 billion.

Rusal refused an epic battle for Norilsk Nickel


Oleg Deripaska's company due to US sanctions will not participate in the "Russian Roulette" with Vladimir Potanin for the shares of Norilsk Nickel. Now this will not correspond to the interests of shareholders, the board of directors of the aluminum company decided.

The US Finance Ministry has extinguished the conflict of shareholders of Norilsk Nickel


Potanin and Deripaska after a new portion of American sanctions can not play in the "Russian" roulette.

Toxic "Rusal": Russian billionaires lost more than 12 billion dollars a day


The collapse of the quotes of "Rusal" was the main event of the day, however, sanctions were hit not only by the state of Oleg Deripaska - today many members of the Forbes list have become poor.

The fight for Norilsk Nickel is transferred to the Board of Directors


Oleg Deripaska is nominated for it.

Alexei Mordashov remained the richest Russian businessman


In the list of the richest people of the planet according to Bloomberg included 27 Russians. The richest of them was Alexei Mordashov, who occupies 47th place in the world ranking.

Unfair court ruled in favor of Vladimir Potanin


The Supreme Court will not review the case on the division of Potanin's property.

Deripaska postponed the launch of the Russian roulette


UC Rusal will make a decision about this until the end of April.

Putin makes billionaires


Since 2012, the state of the oligarchs in Russia has grown by $ 29.5 billion.

Bloomberg estimates the growth of the state of billionaires from Russia for Putin's third term


Only Jeff Bezos achieved the best result in a year.

Oleg Deripaska took a timeout until May to seek money


Rusal is in no hurry to buy out shares of Norilsk Nickel from Roman Abramovich.

Vladimir Potanin bought a 2.1% in Norilsk Nickel from Roman Abramovich


The share of Interros in MMC Norilsk Nickel reached 32.9%.

War and peace in "Norilsk Nickel": the end of the battle of Deripaska, Potanin and Abramovich


Oleg Deripaska, whose companies are burdened with debts, and Vladimir Potanin, who launched several large investment projects, agreed to buy out 4% of Norilsk Nickel from Roman Abramovich. The amount of the transaction can be about 1.5 billion dollars. But the conflict between billionaires is far from over.

Roman Abramovich sells a 4% stake in Norilsk Nickel


But Oleg Deripaska can still deploy the deal.

Vladimir Potanin gave Oleg Deripaska on his hands


MMC Norilsk Nickel doubled its debt load for 2017. This should lead to a reduction in dividends, the increase of which requires the debt-bound Oleg Deripaska.

Vladimir Lisin returned to the first place in the Russian list of Forbes


The list of richest people in Russia, according to Forbes magazine, was replaced by the leader. He became the owner of a controlling stake in the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine (NLMK) Vladimir Lisin. His state of the publication was estimated at 19.1 billion dollars.

Potanin and Deripaska fight for dividends of Norilsk Nickel


Vladimir Potanin proposes to pay 1.5 billion dollars a year, and the entangled debt of Deripaska requires 2.5 billion dollars.

The Empire of Oleg Deripaska goes to nationalization


An entangled businessman tries to escape under the roar of judicial cannonade, and the ineffective "Rusal" to turn off the state.

Oleg Deripaska will play with Vladimir Potanin in "Russian roulette"


Oleg Deripaska is ready to launch the "Russian roulette" - buying out Vladimir Potanin's stake in Norilsk Nickel or selling it at a higher price.

Kaz Minerals became interested in Roman Abramovich's copper


The company can buy a majority stake in the Baim copper project, which is also interested in Norilsk Nickel.

Oleg Deripaska left Rusal and En + Group


Entangled scandalous businessman will depart from the management of En + and "Rusal".

"Norilsk Nickel" became the field of war of Vladimir Potanin against Oleg Deripaska


Due to the minority stake of Roman Abramovich and Alexander Abramov, a lawsuit in London broke out.

Natalia Potanina reached the Supreme Court in the fight against ex-husband


The former spouse of the head of Interros, Vladimir Potanin, claims 1 trillion rubles.