Aven Peter


Latvia against Peter Aven and Mikhail Fridman


The Latvian government intends to appeal the EU Court's decision to lift some sanctions against Russian oligarchs Peter Aven and Mikhail Fridman.

UK government trains Russian oligarchs Aven and Fridman


The British authorities allowed Friedman and Aven to receive £1 million a year.

Aven and Friedman ran to the European Court


Миллиардеры Петр Авен и Михаил Фридман, в отношении которых Брюссель ввел персональные санкции, подали иски в Европейский суд общей юрисдикции. 

Mikhail Fridman reaches out to Abyzov's Singaporean assets


Alfa-Bank, famous for its reputation as a ruthless lender, is pursuing former Minister Mikhail Abyzov not only in Russia but also abroad.

Peter Aven set investigators on Rosgosstrakh


The Ministry of Internal Affairs is checking three transactions that took place on the eve of the reorganization of the Otkrytie group.

Petr Aven will look for president on Khachaturov


The Moscow Arbitration Court rejects claims for the recovery of funds from the former owners of Rosgosstrakh, the co-owner of Alfa Bank wrote.

British intelligence officer Christopher Steel defeated in the American court of Friedman, Aven and Khan


Co-owners of Alfa Bank stated that the author of the Trump file, Christopher Steele, deliberately spread false information about them. The judge ruled that they could not prove this and referred to the first amendment of the US Constitution.

"Alfa-Bank" on the fall of the ruble in April earned $ 500 million


In the game of exchange rates, the bank of Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven was generously helped by the state budget of the Russian Federation, which granted a loan of 77 billion rubles.

The richest heirs of Russia


Forbes presented the rating of the heirs of the richest businessmen of Russia for the third time. The first place was taken by Yusuf Alekperov, the second place was occupied by the children of Leonid Mikhelson, "bronze" - in the son and daughter of Andrei Melnichenko.

Who got in the "Kremlin report" of the US Treasury


In the "Kremlin report" of the US Treasury, there are more than 200 people: officials, heads of state companies and billionaires.