How to take away a million from the bank

The eveness of banker Oleg Tinkoff was violated by the client who intends to sue the "TKS-Bank" for 24 million rubles.
Origin source
It all actually started in 2008, when "Tinkoff Credit Systems" bank sent to the person who appears in the media under the pseudonym Dmitri Alexeev, a letter with a credit offer and an enclosed application form. The man scanned the form, and then changed the terms of the agreement with fine print, specifying that the client takes the loan at a zero rate, and the bank is not entitled to claim any fee, and in the case of a unilateral termination of the contract, the bank shall pay the compensation in the amount of 6 million rubles to the client.

Having printed his own version of the application, Alekseev signed it and mailed to "TKS-Bank", which after some time sent him the credit card with the contract signed on its part.

"I want to prove that under Article 1 of the Civil Code, not only banks, but also ordinary people have the right for freedom of contract. By law, banks can offer customers their own terms. To be honest, I did not expect that the bank would sign the agreement. I completed the application form, sent it to the bank as a joke and was very surprised when a month later I got a credit card," said Alexeyev to reporters.

A native of Voronezh did not pay the interest on his credit card, he returned to "TCS Bank" only what he took under the contract.

The first trial with Alekseev bank began in 2010, considering that the customer must 45 thousand. Rubles in accrued interest. A credit institution terminated the contract unilaterally and asked the court to collect from the customer's debt.

However Alekseev demonstrated in the court agreement, and said that the bank should be only 19 thousand. Rubles. Arguments of the defendant's court has upheld as lawful, and Alexeyev decided to act - in 2012 he went to court with a counterclaim, which indicated that the bank violated the eight points of the agreementand, therefore, should pay him 24 million rubles ..

After the defendant was the bank "Tinkoff Credit Systems", has explained it was his turn - Lawyers credit organization stated that the contract with the customer was canceled back in 2010, and so the case should be discontinued. However, lawyers AlekseevaThey insist that the agreement is valid, but the bank does not perform.

Vice-president of the bank Oleg Anisimov, in turn, the TV channel "Rain" said the resident of Voronezh "TCS Bank" suspected of fraud and non-performance of obligations to pay debt. In addition, he noted that Mr. Alekseev regularly paid interest is not owed.

According to the banker, tariffs, which shows all the basic parameters of the contract, are printed in the same font. The fine print printed points, explaining the figures indicated in the tariffs. According to Anisimov, the customer has forged form that is sent. At this point in the bank there was a technical failure - so the document was adopted.

"The client next two or three years paid regularly by the bank's conditions and not on his own, which he wrote in forged form. Then, when he came in late and was unable to fulfill its obligations, the bank showed the amount of debt which he must repay And then there was this claim Client recalled that in the contract he had his own version, "-.. said Oleg Anisimov.

Oleg Tinkoff, in turn, on theHe puts in his Twitter two messages. On one page, he wrote that he was confident of victory in court. "It is time to stop the" diamond dream "and dreams about 24 million) Nobody nothing we did not win, it's a dream to get rich) So trate - and sleep:.. -)" - Wrote Tinkoff. In his Twitter, he left the other phrase, "God, what a country? Fraudsters have any heroes."

Meanwhile, bankers' statements provoked a reaction of Internet users. "The customer has signed a contract without reading - he is guilty, the bank signed a contract without reading - customer fraud. Well, well! "- Commented explanations Vice President" TAS-Bank "is one of the viewers of TV channel" Rain ".

Other commentators did gloat: "Speak" halva-halva ", so it sweeter would", "Now, obviously, a good part of the borrowers in the footsteps of his" idol "who" spread "bank", "The guy read your book and decided to act your methods. Prepare loot. "

However, support for the inventive native Voronezh provided due to the numerous precedents, when the banks are literally leftDo their clients without the movable and immovable property due to the fact that borrowers allegedly failed to comply with the agreement, the fine print. Because millions of people, with particular attention the process that takes place between the client and the simple "TAS-Bank".

By the way, August 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the head of Sberbank German Gref discussed the various banking issues, including the "fine print" in the loan agreements. "Financial institutions are required to provide their products so that recipients of loans were originally all clear", - said the president.

Indeed, people do not see "any buried items, and then faced with the real problems, which are not ready." "This is bad for the people, and for financial institutions", - concluded Mr. Putin.