Nazarbayev Nursultan


Kazakh billions dug up in UK


How Nursultan Nazarbayev controlled the eight billion dollar business in his country.

Scandalous posts in social networks for the grandson of Nazarbayev wrote a fugitive banker


In Kazakhstan, Mukhtar Ablyazov is accused of murder.

Russian-Kazakh corruption scared off Nazarbayev’s grandson


The grandson of former President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev asked for political asylum in the UK, on his Facebook page he described a scheme that, in his opinion, proves "high-level corruption between the Russian government and Kazakhstan."

Alexander Ryazanov will reach China in his own way


The company of the former deputy chairman of Gazprom has spent hundreds of millions of rubles on the road for the new Silk Road. What can stop her?

Further Ugandization of the Russian Federation


In the Russian Federation, a protocol was put forward by Vladimir Putin for another presidential term - until 2024.