Scandalous posts in social networks for the grandson of Nazarbayev wrote a fugitive banker

In Kazakhstan, Mukhtar Ablyazov is accused of murder.
The "Interlocutor" already wrote that the grandson of the chairman of the Security Council of Kazakhstan, the first president of the republic, Nursultan Nazarbayev Aisultan, announced on his Facebook request to provide him with political asylum in the UK due to "family pressure." In Aisultan’s account, someone on his behalf even admitted that according to the contract concluded between Gazprom and Kazakh representatives, the company buys gas “for a penny”, annually accumulating profit of about $ 1.5 billion in an unnamed “laying” company. And the scandalous revelation was immediately picked up by many respected British media.

True, reputable experts immediately raised doubts about the reliability of such confessions. As an expert on Central Asia Arkady Dubnov explained to “The Interlocutor,” “Nazarbayev’s grandson has already been noted on social networks with so-called revelatory statements. But then his revelations - about "incest, incest" in the Family - were perceived as nonsense by a sick person. Now he has another main topic - economics, corruption, criminal schemes into which he is allegedly devoted ... But I do not think that he was initiated into serious economic schemes. Therefore, I do not really understand the desire of such a respected newspaper - I mean the British Times - to interview him. It’s hard to take a drug addict seriously. ”

According to Dubnov, “back in the last wave of Aysultan’s statements, many experts saw behind her the shadow of a fugitive Kazakh oligarch Mukhtar Ablyazov, who calls himself the opposition leader in exile, but many consider him to be just a fraud and a swindler. Then, shortly after the “disclosures” of Nazarbayev’s grandson, Ablyazov himself delivered a rather lengthy video message in which Aysultan’s post was awkwardly retelling, which further strengthened confidence in their connection. But now they are acting more cautiously: Aisultan acts alone. ”

However, caution did not last long. Recently, a post appeared on the page of Mukhtar Ablyazov on Facebook on behalf of his own account: “I, Aisultan Nazarbayev. All posts that are published on my page are written by me personally. On my initiative, without the participation of third parties. This is my account, my thoughts, my requirements. ”

After user comments in the spirit of “you messed up accounts”, Ablyazov deleted his post on behalf of Aisultan, and did not even come up with a version that his page was hacked, admitting that he started writing the post: “I wanted to appeal to him publicly, so that he makes that kind of statement. ”

Now it has become clear even to skeptics that, or rather, who is actually behind the scandalous statements of the grandson of Nursultan Nazarbayev. Namely: Mukhtar Ablyazov is a former banker convicted in absentia in Kazakhstan for the murder of a business partner. In addition, in his homeland, as well as in Russia and Ukraine, a runaway businessman is suspected of major financial fraud, but France refuses to extradite a criminal because he is pretending to be a political refugee.
Apparently, those same revelations of Aisultan Nazarbayev, which Ablyazov himself, as it has now been confirmed, composes, are called upon to support such a reputation for Ablyazov. Aisultan for this, for obvious reasons, is simply not capable. Last fall, the grandson of the former president of Kazakhstan was sentenced in London to a suspended sentence on charges of assaulting a police officer. In addition to the probationary period, the fine and community service, the sentence implied the mandatory continuation of his treatment for drug addiction.

It is no coincidence that on February 13, the Kazakh Minister of Information and Public Development, Dauren Abayev, stated that although all the posts of Aisultan Nazarbayev were written under the influence of some personalities, it is not worth discussing the revelations of a person who is undergoing a rehabilitation phase from drug addiction - this is unethical.

However, not everyone thinks so. When the threat of extradition for murder is at stake, some people prefer to forget about ethics, using inadequate people with a sickly changed consciousness for their political purposes.

What do we end up with as a result of this confusion of accounts and the alternation of posts: Mukhtar Ablyazov, caught by the hand on falsification of documents, stole billions of dollars all over the world, sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment for murder in the mercenary interests, today, to justify all that follows him the criminal train does not shun manipulate in their interests a mentally unhealthy person, setting him against his own family. Cynical and immoral? Undoubtedly, though ... To those who did not disdain murder, fake slanderous posts on Facebook is generally trifling. Once having lost its human appearance, it is not easy to return it. Especially when you don’t even strive for this.