Moshkovich Vadim


From Moshkovich to Khristenko: who was leaked Cyprus Papers


Al Jazeera has published information on 100 holders of "golden passports" of Cyprus, most of whom may not comply with the new citizenship rules.

Moshkovich will build an elite residential complex in the center of Moscow


His company Level Group gained control of the Mashinoapparat plant in Khamovniki.

Vadim Moshkovich got into bad company


Artyom Kuznetsov and his "Guta" "tarnish" the oligarch's reputation

Alexei Bogachev could not cook cheese with Vadim Moshkovich


The minority shareholder of Magnit sold to Moshkovich his stake in the Bondarsky cheese plant in the Tambov region.

Vadim Moshkovich bought a few pigs


For the pig farm with 10.4 thousand sows in the Belgorod region holding Rusagro will pay 1.8 billion rubles immediately and another 1.9 billion will go to repay the debts.

Group "Rusagro" can buy a producer of marble pork


The group can buy a producer of marble pork, the company "Capitalagro".

Buyers lose interest in "White Bird"


Rusagro refused to buy the agricultural holding.

Vadim Moshkovich took up a bad job


The structure of billionaire Vadim Moshkovich began to develop 10.6 hectares in the Moscow industrial zone "South Port" in Pechatniki. Before bankruptcy, this territory belonged to the GC-155 Mikhail Balakin.

Sergei Kukura and his family are among the five largest latifundists in Russia


Under the control of the family of the former top manager of Lukoil, Volgo Don Agroinvest acquired assets of the Swedish Black Earth Farming in 2017, bringing its land bank to 452,000 hectares.

"Rusagro" fell into the financial tailspin


Agroholding Vadim Moshkovicha reported a decrease in revenue for the fourth consecutive quarter. He was led by low prices for sugar, grain and pork.

"Rusagro" catches "White Bird"


Vadim Moshkovich's group can claim the agroholding of Dmitry Ananyev.

Mitsui withdrew from the capital of one of the largest Russian agricultural holdings


In the future, cooperation with Rusagro Vadim Moshkovich is planned.

Why import substitution in the dairy industry failed


Despite the food embargo, milk production is declining, products are becoming more expensive, and demand for it is falling.