Vadim Moshkovich got into bad company

Artyom Kuznetsov and his "Guta" "tarnish" the oligarch's reputation
There was another bow of representatives of Russian big business. As it turned out, one of the partners of a well-known businessman, the owner of the Level Group development group, Vadim Moshkovich, was the owner of the Red October creative quarter in the center of Moscow and the Guta group Artem Kuznetsov.

Well, he turned out to be a partner and turned out to be. In the end, Mr. Kuznetsov’s company occupies a significant niche in the construction market in particular in Moscow. Kuznetsov is a fairly large shareholder in a number of large companies. Among them, in particular, Afghanistan Veterans Trade Association LLC.

However, the reputation of "Guta" in general inspires certain not positive thoughts.

Love is evil ...

You need to start with the relationship of Artem Kuznetsov. He is legally married to a certain Elena Gushchina. Although, it’s not at all a “certain”. Elena Gushchina is the daughter of Yuri Gushchin. It is Yuri Gushchin who is considered the founder of Guta and holds the post of Chairmen of the Board of Directors.

He has a rich biography, mostly of a negative plan. In certain circles, he is also known as the "Jura of Novosibirsk". Suffice it to say that in his youth, Gushchin traded in not entirely specious deeds. So, he was allegedly a thief, a “window vent”, that is, he cleaned apartments and houses by hitting them through a window leaf. Through this, it seems, he received his first criminal term. Then there were other unpleasant things, including, as they whispered, participation in an organized criminal community. In total, Yury Gushchin found himself in “places not so distant” four times. In criminal procedural language, this is called a “repeat offender."

Having excluded various kinds of criminal stories due to age, Gushchin rushed into the business. In which, I must say, succeeded, in particular, he was one of the founders of Guta Bank.

Things with the credit organization also went with varying success, in other words, neither shaky, nor roll. There was a time when the bank was even in the stage of bankruptcy, although it was revived later.

Market participants, knowing the particularities of Gushchin’s character, hinted that money from not quite legitimate operations could be conducted through Guta Bank. And, supposedly, the Guta group was no exception.

There was a scandalous story connected with the creation of the company holding United Confectioners. It was created at one time with the direct participation of the capital city hall back in the days of Yuri Luzhkov.
The holding, which the Guta group and the Moscow government positioned as the largest confectionery holding in Eastern Europe, turned out to be a screen for privatization fraud and the sale of enterprises owned by Moscow.

Their assets were contributed as the registered capital of the confectionery enterprise. That is, Mr. Gushchin, as one of the main owners of United Confectioners, began to manage the securities of 15 enterprises that the Moscow government owned.

However, the Moscow prosecutor’s office, fulfilling the order of the RF Prosecutor General’s Office, found out that, firstly, the transfer of the city’s shares to Guta violated the law on privatization, and secondly, Guta, having taken over Moscow enterprises, three of them just a month after the conclusion of the contract, she sold to the side.

It turned out that the creation of the enterprise took place without any competition. That is, the commercial organization "Guta" merged with the state mayor's office in doing business!

Today, by the way, United Confectioners are the owners of a number of companies of the Guta group. Everything is under the wing of the Gushchin family. His son-in-law, mentioned by Artem Kuznetsov, was also involved in not-so-transparent stories.

The Interpol database has an official request (reference number 7660 / EC / 75/95) of the German police regarding Russian citizen Artyom Kuznetsov (01. 01. 67 p.), As well as his fellow citizens Igor Bychkov (04. 06. 66 b.) and Petrov Oleg (05. 05. 67 p.). According to the request, these individuals are suspected of "laundering money through personal accounts in German banks."

The details of this story are unknown to anyone except the international police. She did not go into details. But it’s known that, for example, Oleg Petrov took and quickly re-registered his large apartment in the center of Moscow, which he acquired just 4 months ago, for Sergey Kuznetsov, the brother of one of the owners of the Guta group.

Spiteful critics immediately began to suspect that the prestigious housing was not bought at all, but was taken away by Artem Kuznetsov and his friends from one of the merchants for debts.

They say that Kuznetsov’s wife Elena Gushchina was not averse to doing business either. She was one of the founders of Guta, owned one of its divisions of Guta Clinics.

By the way, it is almost certainly known that Elena Gushchina was, if not now, a good friend of Igor Shuvalov, an ex-deputy prime minister, an influential person in state structures. For some time she was even officially considered his assistant.

Did the omnipotent official help his comrade-in-arms and her ambiguous relatives in establishing a family business?

Summarizing everything said, we can conclude that Vadim Moshkovich is not too concerned about his business reputation, as he deals with personalities such as Artyom Kuznetsov, and through him, Yuri Gushchin. It would not have to pay for it.