Milner Yuri


Yuri Milner does not invest


Yuri Milner was for years the only Russian in the “Midas list” compiled by Forbes. Two years ago he was in the top 20. The investor did not get into the new rating.

The condition of the founder of Revolut Nikolay Storovsky is estimated at 561 million dollars


According to the results of the last round of investments, its fintech-service received an estimate of $ 1.7 billion.

Yuri Milner: "where in the solar system can life exist?"


The most famous Russian technology investor Yuri Milner in 2015 announced the launch of a program to search for life in the universe. He described how the project is progressing and reported on new space initiatives.

The case is closed: how the founders of Russian companies went out of business


February 16, as part of the Sochi investment forum, the founder of the Magnit chain of stores announced the sale of a 29.1% stake in VTB Group. The businessman explained his decision by saying that "investors do not quite see the future as a founder". As the founders of Russian companies went out of business - in the review of RBC.

Suleiman Kerimov, Yuri Milner and Leonid Blavatnik burned down on investments in Snapchat


As it became known to The Bell, Suleiman Kerimov, who is accused of tax fraud in France, before the IPO of instant messenger Snapchat invested in his actions. For investors, this company has become the main disappointment of the year.

Usmanov was suspected of buying Facebook shares for public money


The oligarch fell into another offshore scandal.