Belousov Andrey


Andrei Belousov squeezed into the carriage to Russian Railways


The government is increasing its presence on the board of directors of a state corporation.

On the salary of Oleg Deripaska


According to media reports, the “thunderstorm of the oligarchs”, Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov received a salary in the “Basic Element” of the aluminum baron.

Artem Avetisyan showed high patrons


Banker's ambitions can substitute presidential adviser Andrei Belousov.

Mordashov's companies will not mind the state support of their investment projects


Severgroup presented projects worth billions of dollars when discussing the list of Belousov.

Companies from the list of Andrey Belousov will be offered to build a loss-making VSM and a bridge to Sakhalin


RZD picked up crazy projects worth 3.2 trillion rubles. It is still a matter of seizing hundreds of billions of rubles from metallurgical and chemical companies.

Russian steel barons wept in the waistcoat of the state


The largest Russian metallurgical cartel, "Russian Steel", estimated losses of metallurgists in the coming years because of infrastructure restrictions of 500 billion rubles. Such a figure should save them from extortion in favor of the Kremlin, they hope.

The government will tax metallurgists and fertilizer producers with taxes in favor of Russian Railways projects


The Kremlin will make deductions to railway projects (Moscow-Kazan VSM and the Sakhalin bridge) mandatory for private companies. The cost of these projects is more than 2 trillion rubles.

Russian oligarchs repelled the first onslaught of the Kremlin


Following the meeting of the owners of metallurgical and chemical companies with the presidential aide, Andrei Belousov, it was decided that 513 billion rubles should not be paid. The size of the "tribute" fell to 200-300 billion rubles under the sauce "investment in infrastructure."

Andrei Belousov called metallurgical and chemical oligarchs on the carpet at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs


The adviser of the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin intends personally to inform owners of companies the importance of putting them 513 billion rubles for the benefit of the state.

Good and bad investigators came to Russian metallurgists


After the proposal of Andrei Belousov metallurgists and chemists to shell out for 513 billion rubles, his initiative was not supported by the RF Ministry of Finance. With the condition that the company invests this money all the same in Russia.

Oleg Deripaska said about the shortage of cash from Rusal


Despite the net profit for the past year of $ 1 billion, the aluminum company again has no money. In the event of requisition by the state of 513 billion rubles from Russian metallurgical and chemical companies, Rusal's losses due to the lack of dividends from MMC Norilsk Nickel will amount to 1.4 billion dollars.

Gold mining companies opposed the removal of their super-profits


They have already threatened with a lack of gold for external settlements of the country, which in the future can repeat the experience of Iran and North Korea.

Norilsk Nickel increased its net profit by half in the first half of the year


For the first 6 months of 2018, Norilsk Nickel earned 1.65 billion dollars in net profit.

Public Russian companies from Belousov's plan will lose at least 1 trillion rubles


"Dekulakization" of Russian metallurgical and chemical corporations can lead to aggregate losses of more than 1 trillion rubles. Businessmen themselves do not fully believe in such measures.

The Russian state due to lack of finance will disembowel the commodity exporters


Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov explained his initiative to withdraw 513 billion rubles from metallurgical and chemical companies not so much by fulfilling the "May" decrees as by "equalizing the tax burden."

Vladimir Lisin refused to share with the state


Chairman of the Board of Directors of NLMK criticized the idea of ​​an adviser to the President of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov "withdraw" from metallurgists and chemical companies 537 billion rubles.

Vladimir Putin approved the robbery of Russian metallurgical and chemical companies


Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Andrei Belousov, found where to take 537 billion rubles to finance the "May" decrees of the head of state. They will be taken from the profits of metallurgists, producers of fertilizers and Sibur.

Ministry of Transport suggested postponing the construction of the most expensive highway in Russia


The Ministry of Transport proposes to delay the reconstruction of the Dzhubga-Sochi highway due to the high cost of the project and difficult implementation, the ministry said. The project is estimated at no less than 1.6 trillion rubles.

Roskosmos again kicked out of the presidential administration


Assistant Vladimir Putin Andrei Belousov criticized the "Roskosmos" for lagging behind the Ilona Mask.

How "Roskosmos" did not give 80% of the planned payments to the budget


Roskosmos fulfilled the budget in 2017 worst of all among revenue administrators: the treasury missed from the state corporation 42.8 billion rubles. - 82% of the plan. Earlier, the Kremlin was criticized by Roskosmos for its inability to earn money.

Experts called the payback period of the Russian reusable rocket


Russia has resumed work on the project of a reusable launch vehicle. Why do we need a project, which will not be able to make money in more than ten years, RBC explained.

In Russia, oil wells can stop


The reason is new environmental standards, which come into force on January 1.