Ministry of Transport suggested postponing the construction of the most expensive highway in Russia

The Ministry of Transport proposes to delay the reconstruction of the Dzhubga-Sochi highway due to the high cost of the project and difficult implementation, the ministry said. The project is estimated at no less than 1.6 trillion rubles.
It is extremely difficult to implement the project technically, the Ministry of Transport explains: for this, it will be necessary to withdraw part of the railway sections from the coast, and for the time of construction, normal traffic both by road and rail along the coast will be seriously hampered. This will significantly complicate the work of the entire infrastructure of one of the key resort regions of Russia, the Ministry of Transport concludes.

"In this regard, the Ministry of Transport of Russia considers it inexpedient to implement this project at the present time," the ministry said. Thus, the Ministry of Transport does not abandon the project, but proposes to postpone its implementation.

As three federal officials told "Vedomosti", Rosavtodor developed the concept of large-scale development of the Dzhubga-Sochi route. Now the road is a two-lane mountain serpentine, which operates at the capacity limit. The track is not only narrow, but sometimes impassable, and also dangerous.

On the site of the streamer, it is proposed to build a new four-lane high-speed highway with a length of about 119.5 km and a design speed of 120 km / h. Vedomosti's interlocutors noted that, according to preliminary estimates, the cost of the project would be 1.2 trillion rubles. in the prices of 2017. If the road is built, then it will become the most expensive in Russia.

"The idea is to create a Russian Cote d'Azur, to give the south a beautiful, large road, so that along the coast in a convertible with a breeze it was possible to pass," the federal official described the project. The concept of expressway in closed mode was worked out by the government from last spring, and work was conducted in the presidential administration, officials said. According to them, the idea is pleasant to the assistant to the president on economy Andrey Belousov.

The key issue concerns the financing of the megaproject. One of the officials told Vedomosti that the regional budget will not co-finance the road. According to another official, there is no question of financing from the new development fund (it will be created in 2019, its size will be up to 3.5 trillion rubles). Due to the fact that the Dzhubga-Sochi road is a very expensive project, a decision on it will be taken after assessing other infrastructure projects that are currently under consideration, said a third official.

The authorities are considering a scenario of public-private partnership that would allow paying for the construction and maintenance of the road under a concession agreement for many years. Even if a variant of the concession agreement for a period of 25-30 years is chosen, the state will have to make a significant contribution already at the stage of construction of each site, explains one of the interlocutors.

According to one of the sources of Vedomosti, the company was interested in the companies of Yuri Reylyan and Arkady Rotenberg. If you choose between the bridge to Sakhalin and the road to Dzhubga-Sochi, the second project for builders of the Crimean bridge will be preferable, the interlocutor argues: it will help to load building capacities and will not have to carry machinery across the country. The representative of Rothenberg has no information about participation in this project. Comment Reylyana at the time of publication is not received.

The governor of the Krasnodar region Veniamin Kondratiev stressed that for the Kuban as a resort region a new route is vital.