USA congress


Deutsche Bank could ignore problems with laundering when working with Russian customers


The bank handed over documents to the US Congress on cooperation with Russians, reports Reuters.

US Congressmen asked to impose sanctions against Evtushenkov


Two congressmen sent letters to the State Department and the US Treasury with a proposal to impose sanctions against AFK Sistema and Vladimir Yevtushenkov. This is probably the result of the intrigues of the vindictive Igor Sechin, who was not allowed to finish Yevtushenkov last year.

Congressmen collected dirt on Russia


Observers believe that the US administration will make the package of restrictions against the Russian Federation as sterile as possible. In the US Congress, growing fears.

Deripaska said he had not asked Congress for immunity in exchange for testimony


The oligarch called this information false.

Deripaska offered the US Congress to bear testimony


In exchange, the head of Rusal asked for immunity from future criminal investigations. The American party did not agree to the conditions of the oligarch.