Administration of the USA


The United States found the Nord Stream-2 as spyglass


Washington sees the project as a reconnaissance capability.

Congressmen collected dirt on Russia


Observers believe that the US administration will make the package of restrictions against the Russian Federation as sterile as possible. In the US Congress, growing fears.

Stepan Demura: "If Trump signs a law on new sanctions, it will kill the Russian ruble"


The well-known trader predicts the fall of the Russian currency in August and the rapid replacement of Russian gas in Europe by the US.

Summer scandal: why the US would not return two Russia's diplomatic residences


Moscow and Washington "almost" agreed on the issue of Russia's diplomatic property in the United States, Foreign Ministry spokesman Sergey Ryabkov said. If the Russians are not restored access to the two residences, the Kremlin will be ready for "countermeasures".