Navalny Foundation found a "FSB general's dacha" on the state border

Alexey Navalny's Foundation discovered that the namesake of the deputy head of the Border Service of Russia owns a dacha in the border area. As clarified by RBC, a man with the same name, as well as the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin and senator from the "United Russia" Valery Vasiliev, are co-owners of the partnership "Lesnaya Lubyanka."
Origin source
Fund of Struggle against Corruption (FBK) Alexei Navalny's claims that a full namesake of the deputy head of the Russian FSB Border Service Colonel General Nikolay Kozik has a cottage, which is located in the area of ​​engineering structures in the area of ​​the state border with Finland. The new investigation published in Navalny's blog.

Representatives of FBK found built in a place which, as they claim, refers to the area of ​​engineering structures in the area of ​​the Russian-Finnish border by analyzing satellite images and photos to use Google Maps. The blog also published an excerpt from the Russian State Register, which implies that the observed BCF land area of ​​6.6 thousand sq. M. m belongs to Nikolai Vladimirovich Kozik. As pointed out by the fund, the land in the area of ​​engineering structures removed from civil circulation.

Employees of the public relations center of the Russian FSB were unavailable for comment.

As clarified by RBC, the land area of ​​47.4 thousand sq. M. m, located in the village of Lake and Cook's Druzhnoselye district (it applies to land Kozik), in 2010 was transferred from catgory land reserve in the category of agricultural land. Order it in 2010 signed Valery Serdyukov, at that time held the post of governor of the Leningrad region. Then, as follows from the cadastral passport, facility was divided into several sections.

Six areas on the earth to lead suburban farms, one of which belongs to Nikolay Kozik, were formed in 2011, should be obtained from RBC discharge from the State Real Estate Cadastre (OCG). Prior to this, the land was assigned to the dacha non-profit partnership "Pihkala" follows from the decision of the head of the municipality of Vyborg district of the Leningrad region, published in December 2010.

In 2014, "Pihkala" was eliminated. Before that it belonged to Vladimir L. Bobrov Leonid Vorobyev and Julia Nikolaevna Kuznetsova, from the data SPARK.

Vorobiev and Kozik, according to SPARK, at the moment are also co-owners of another non-profit partnership "Association of individual builders" Foresttion Lubyanka ", which is registered in the town of Vsevolozhsk. According to SPARC, Kozik, who is co-owner of "Forest Lubyanka", was previously head of the FSB in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. The principal activity of the partnership is to manage the exploitation of housing stock on a fee or contract basis.

Co-owners of "Forest Lubyanka", according to SPARK, is also listed as the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin, a senator from the "United Russia" Valery Vasiliev, the track head of the M-11 PKU Uprdor "Russia" Alexander Myatiev and Alexander Nikitenko, the namesake of the former head of the Ministry of Interior in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.