Telegram was not available in Russia and other countries due to problems with power supply servers. The founder of the project Pavel Durov called the failure "growth problems" - last week the messenger overcame the threshold of 200 million users.
The messenger challenged the ECHR for failure to disclose the FSB's encryption keys.
Created with the participation of the Russian Federal Security Service, the Russian messenger is being spun through scandals with "keys." The main thing is to demonstrate to the potential investors the unbending will of Zits chairman Pavel Durov.
The first round of "distribution of elephants and the materialization of spirits" has already brought the owners of the messenger 850 million dollars.
Pavel Durov reported to the US authorities about attracting $ 850 million from 81 investors.
David Yakobashvili, one of the founders of Wimm-Bill-Dann, invested $ 10 million in Telegram during the preliminary ICO project in January. This is the second Russian investor, who reported on participation in the equity of the messenger.
According to preliminary estimates of Forbes, the state of the founder of Telegram is not less than 1.7 billion dollars.
Unlike Russian citizens enjoying the long New Year holidays, crypto traders, investors and crypto-instruments all over the world have kept their nose to the wind for the past ten days. What interesting happened in the cryptomir, while we ate Olivier on vacation.
The company will withdraw the 100 million rubles claim to the dismissed employee.
The war between the shareholders of VKontakte has reached the court stage.
Ilya Scherbovich Foundation bought three companies related to the Pavel Durov's messenger, and demands the rights for Telegram through the court; in response, Group filed a lawsuit to invalidate the deal to buy a stake in VKontakte by UCP Fund.