Patriarch Cyril will travel across the Urals in rented helicopters


There is a grain of meaning in this: the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church will not irritate people with his giant corteges and will not see the flaky facades of houses in the Urals region.

Peresvet bank passed under the control of Rosneft bank


RRDB, the turnaround manager of the former bank of the Russian Orthodox Church, bought out its additional issue.

Patriarch Kirill and rector Sadovnichy's bank lacks money


Negative equity of Peresvet amounts to 35.1 billion rubles.

Tatar echo of the collapse of Peresvet Bank


Fugitive banker Alexander Shvets lugs off the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov.

Nowhere to run


President of Vneshprombank, Larisa Markus, pleaded guilty for embezzling 6 billion and is ready to make a deal with the investigation.

Peresvet Bank reaped the harvest of the Olympics


The Russian Olympians kept their savings in Peresvet bank, of which the key shareholder is the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC).

Patrushev Jr. and Orthodox pensioners


Unprofitable Rosselkhozbank comes to the aid of Peresvet.