Patriarch Kirill and rector Sadovnichy's bank lacks money

Negative equity of Peresvet amounts to 35.1 billion rubles.
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As previously reported, in the "Peresvet" bank lost their deposits Alina Kabaeva and a group of Russian athletes, there disappeared means "Pulkovo" airport. But investors "Peresvet" should prepare for the worst scenario: According to media reports, this financial institution the beginning of December has completely lost its own funds. Its negative equity as of December 1 amounted to 35.1 billion rubles, according to a notification of the Federal Register of information about the facts of activity of legal persons (Fedresurs).

In the second half of October, the central bank introduced a temporary administration in the "Peresvet", explaining that the bank did not pay creditors more than seven days. At the same time the regulator has introduced a moratorium on satisfaction of creditors of the bank, which is an insurance case. However, the data of the Central Bank on its financial condition is not yet revealed.

In October, the bank's capital was positive and amounted to 8.9 billion rubles, from the data Fedresursa. Last trial balance, which the bank disclosed on the website of the Central Bank, dated October 1, it follows from that then capital of the bank was significantly higher - 30.3 billion rubles For what reasons "Relight" lost capital - was not disclosed. On the contrary, the experts were surprised to pay attention to the fact that according to the official statements of the bank look profitable and the quality of its loan portfolio is better than the sector.

More than 49% of shares of "Peresvet" belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church, another shareholder having a significant impact on the bank, with a share of 24%, - the Chamber of Commerce. CCI in turn owns the bank through the company "Expocentre", the known fact that the last seven years working there the daughter of the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy Anna Gardening.

In mid-November deputy chairman Vasily Pozdyshev said that the regulator is considering the possibility of readjustment "Peresvet", together with its major creditors. The Bank can be sanitized under the old scheme - the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) with the assistance of external sanatoriums, as well as through bail-in mechanism (conversion of creditors' claims in the bank's capital). A person close to the Central Bank, told "Vedomosti" that the decision on the fate of "Peresvet" the regulator should take in the near future. The depositors of the bank were mainly among large companies and among citizens. According to estimates of the DIA, payments to depositors can be about 6.3 billion rubles, despite the fact that total deposits in the bank was 22.5 billion rubles, - a large part of the funds held wealthy citizens whose savings exceed the amount of insurance (1.4 million rubles ).

Most likely, the temporary administration of the bank dosozdala reserves to the extent necessary, because of what and a hole in the capital, says the managing director of the National Rating Agency Paul Samiev. He believes that the Central Bank was able to do in order to reflect the real situation in the bank and determine the volume of investments in its financial recovery. Impairment of assets were about 44 billion rubles, or slightly less than 20% of the total assets of the bank as of October 1. If we assume that all the reserves have been established for the loan portfolio of the bank, then more than one third of loans impaired.

"The bank was too low level of overdue loans in the portfolio, it did not fit his profile lending - the Bank had high interest rates on loans and borrowers are not the best quality level", - says analyst Denis Poryvai Raiffeisenbank. He points out that to assess the situation with the quality of the bank's assets can only Central Bank, which sees not only the balance, but the primary documentation, "We assumed that any circuit operation may be in the bank. A similar situation was in Vneshprombank ". In the first half-year IFRS share of non-performing loans in the bank was only 0.6%.

In early October, Fitch Ratings wrote that "Relight" gave out loans to companies that do not have real assets. On the 100 largest borrowers of the bank then had a little less than 50% of the loan portfolio, many of them (17 billion rubles) were some signs of affiliation with each other or with the bank's management. Of the 17 billion loans to 12 billion rubles (about half of the capital in Fitch's methodology) were particularly high-risk because they were issued in the basic structure of having no real assets, and the bank was their sole creditor.

If the entire credit portfolio of "Peresvet" will be discounted - as often happens after the revocation of the license, - lenders can count on the return of only 34 billion rubles, Raiffeisenbank analysts wrote: "The third line with the requirements of 114.7 billion rubles from the remains of [the accounts] and 28.5 billion rubles in bonds, as well as about 20 billion rubles on interbank loans get only 12 billion rubles, ie. e. almost nothing. "

Recall that at the time the State Agricultural Bank (Rosselkhozbank) announced its intention to bring the benefit of "Peresvet" 10 billion rubles in pension funds and asset management companies, which are going to place their structural bonds. Anekdotizm situation lies in the fact that both banks show a stable loss ratio. The situation is complicated by the insane credit policy of the head of Rosselkhozbank Dmitry Patrushev, son, Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev. Patrushev Jr. turns the transaction on behalf of a friend - a criminal banker George Gvelesiani, or even for the benefit of outright bandits type Kushchevskaya gang hoe. It is recognized as "Banker of the Year", Dmitry Patrushev, Rosselkhozbank worsened performance up to five times, making him the most unprofitable bank in Russia. The only advantage to Dmitry Patrushev escaped shareholder and general director of "Peresvet" Alexander Shvets is that RAB holes can be patched by non-market means, such as through loans, "Rosneft".