A little less than a year has passed since the Central Bank revoked the "Vneshprombank" license to conduct banking operations. Co-owner George Bank Bedzhamov happily fled to Monaco, President, Larissa Marcus - five minutes from the dock. The amount of shortage, initially sounded like a 700 million rubles, after data refinement rose to 6.3 billion.
responsible for his brother's sister?
The preliminary investigation of the case is completed, the documents are about to be handed over to the prosecutor's office. Perhaps it was the proximity of the court influenced accused of embezzlement Larissa Marcus. According to sources close to the investigation, the woman pleaded guilty and is willing to make a deal with the investigation for reduction of sentence. Credit Committee Secretary "Vneshprombank" Glushakova Catherine, in contrast to the boss, the blame does not recognize. According to her lawyer, Oleg Starkov, Glushakov had no criminal intent and simply follow the instructions of their superiors, in the first place - Larissa Marcus. Her brother George Bedzhamov, co-owner of a financial institution and concurrently President of Russian Federation of Bobsleigh, could also be held accountable. But he, in contrast to the less fortunate co-worker, managed to travel abroad.
In mid-March Bedzhamov was declared an international arrest warrant, and even after a month, was detained. However, the Principality of Monaco authorities where Bedzhamov is now settled on 30 September refused to extradite him at the request of the General Prosecutor's Office.
The patient is 100% dead
The scheme of theft, as suggested by consequence, based on the design of forged documents to withdraw money from customer accounts, as well as for loans. Thus cashed was 389 million rubles, 125 thousand euros, 4.5 million dollars. In terms of rubles is about 750 million. But this is not everything that has been stolen. Introduced in "Vneshprombank" interim administration has identified the theft of 6.3 billion rubles. In general, the audit, which co-hosted the Bank of Russia and the Deposit Insurance Agency, revealed that the bank's liabilities exceed its assets available to 187.4 billion rubles, and reporting, which the bankers have provided the Central Bank,
"It does not contain accurate information about the quality and value of the assets and liabilities of the bank.
In the documents that the bank provided the regulator, so very different figures: assets on January 1, 2016 allegedly amounted 236.55 billion rubles, liabilities - 221.12 billion rubles. The scale of the financial disaster turned out to be such that the Central Bank has decided to revoke the license of "Vneshprombank" because any reorganization to revive him would have already failed. With that in good times "Vneshprom" occupied 40th place in the Russian banking system.
Patriarch Legacy
Careful attention to the theft of "Vneshprome" due to the fact that investors who have suffered from the actions Bedzhamova and Marcus, not the ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation. If it were not banking secrecy, the list of VIPs who have lost their life savings as a result of bank fraud, would also be curious reader. Some data, however, have already made public. In particular, as it turned out, in "Vneshprombank" stranded assets belonging to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexiy II, the in the amount of 300 million rubles. Testament patriarch, composed in 1976, stipulates that it is the heir to a native of Yaroslavl region Alexander Smirnov - abbess monastery located in Estonia PĆ¼htitsa Holy Dormition Stavropegic convent Filaret.
As of the year 2009 the patriarch of the inheritance amounted to two dollar bill, the bill in euros and account in rubles, the principal amount was kept in dollars. The Moscow Arbitration Court granted the petition of Alexandra Smirnova for inclusion in the register of creditors' claims, but "cut" the amount of requirements: from 305.6 to 297.5 million rubles.
Among other affected media is also called the former vice-speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Zhukov, the wife of deputy prime minister Dmitry Rogozin and his wife of Defense Minister Svetlana Sorokina and Yuri Nikolaev, the former governor of the Tula region, Vladimir Gruzdev, the son of the former head of the Presidential Administration
Sergei Ivanov, the wife of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak Natalia Kvacheva, son of the head of "Transneft" Nikolay Tokarev Andrey Bolotov et al.
Is stored in the "Vneshprombank" their funds and large companies, and even government agencies - "Transneft" (lost 9 billion) Olympic Committee (8.5 billion), the structure of the Russian Orthodox Church (1.5 billion), etc. Recall that the state guarantees. depositors of financial institutions in the event of bankruptcy returns (through the deposit insurance Agency), an amount not exceeding the limit - 1,4 million rubles.
"Vneshprombank" was registered in 1995 with registered capital of 6 million rubles. In late 2000, he was granted a license to work with precious metals, and in mid-2001 - a general license to conduct banking operations in October 2004, became a member of the deposit insurance system (DIS). In 2006 there was a change of owners of structure, from which finally left the state.