Otkritie Bank


Otkritie and Binbank are absolute leaders in losses


Russian banks have published reports for the first nine months.

Russian banks are afraid of a new run by depositors


Inside the Russian banking system, risks associated with the possible withdrawal of clients' money from a number of credit institutions are still very real. It follows from the Monday by Raiffeisenbank with reference to the Central Bank.

Before the rehabilitation of Otkritie, its shares had been bought by Trust Bank for 40 billion rubles


Those who have not redeemed the shares, won't get the money, the Central Bank explained.

Pension funds of Russians have already been wasted by oligarchs


The Bank of Russia suddenly became concerned about the creation of a mechanism for the recovery of independent pension funds. Experts cynically suggest that there is no money there.

Otkritie, Binbank and Trust spoiled the indicators of the Russian banking system


The Central Bank informed about the dynamics of the banking sector in September.

A month of bailout: the financial black hole of Otkrytie Bank reached 190 billion rubles


Under the terms of the Central Bank, the shareholders of FC Otkrytie will lose their rights to own the 25% stake promised to them after the financial recovery, if the interim administration reveals negative capital in the bank.

Promsvyazbank is on the verge of collapse


The bank of the Ananiev brothers is following the steps of Otkritie Bank.

The Central Bank is collecting money for Otkritie


Personal money of the managers will be spent to save the bank.

Bank of Russia rebuked Binbank


In the opinion of Vasily Pozdyshev, the deputy head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the bank's administration simply "misjudged the risks".

Russian Ministry of Finance will waste 800 billion rubles to save banks


Ordinary Russian taxpayers will have to pay for the problems of the oligarchs' banks.   

Banks that fail


The largest bank failures in Russia in the last 10 years.

Elvira Nabiullina revealed the truth about the manipulations of Otkritie Bank


In 2015, Otkritie bought up 74% of the issue of Eurobonds Russia-30, after which it manipulated their price and overstated the value on the balance sheet.

The Central Bank of Russia will waive huge debts of Vadim Belyaev and his partners


65 billion rubles allocated by the state to support Otkritie Bank can be written off.

The Taras Bulba principle: how the government brought up and killed a private bank


Over the last nine years, the Otkritie Group with the governmental help has become the largest player in the banking market.

The Central Bank of Russia forecasts a new outflow of deposits from troubled banks


In connection with that, the Bank of Russia intends to pump up emergency loans into them.

3.2 trillion rubles have been spent over three years to save Russian banks


The Russian banking system is gradually devolving into a "black hole" that devours the state money at a rate of trillion rubles a year without any signs of stabilization. 

Otkritie Bank was sunk by Rosgosstrakh


The insurance company and the bank of the same name, which belong to Danil Khachaturov, have been transferred to the owners of Otkritie and, ultimately, the government; for free, but with impressive debts.

Rosgosstrakh needs another 75 billion rubles


The new owner of the former leader of the third-party car insurance market in Russia , the Central Bank's Consolidation Fund, may need tens of billions to keep afloat. The expected loss of the insurance company in the next 2 years is 100-150 billion rubles.

The financial hole in Otkritie Bank is estimated at 1.2 trillion rubles


The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has already invested 330 billion rubles in Otkritie Bank, now it has to waste at least 800 billion rubles more.

Russian Central Bank may become the owner of Otkritie Bank


This would be the first project of the banking consolidation fund.

The sinking Trust Bank invests billions in FC Otkritie


It buys shares of the sister bank and, perhaps, gives it loans.

Deposits outflow from Otkritie Bank beats all rankings


Less than two months have passed since ACRA assigned a rating to the bank, but it can reconsider it.