CEFC paid QIA and Glencore only $ 225 million for disrupting the transaction on Rosneft shares


The Swiss trader and the Qatari fund expected to receive $ 400 million for the termination of the transaction to acquire a 14.2% stake in Russia's largest oil company.

Andrei Kostin financed the privatization of a stake in Rosneft by Igor Sechin


The “breakthrough” of Putin’s business into the open world turned out to be an interlude, as a result of which the state-owned VTB Bank acquired shares of the toxic Sechin Rosneft.

VTB Bank requires AnAn Group to pay extra for the pledge


Procrediting a repo transaction during the IPO En + Group of Oleg Deripaska, VTB Bank requires the Singaporean company AnAn Group $ 170.4 million. Most likely, the bank will receive only a hole from a bagel: the Singapore company belongs to the Chinese CEFC, which did not override the stake in Rosneft and was bankrupt.

The collapse of the Chinese CEFC will not deprive Rosneft of contracts?


Rosneft experts are sure that the CEFC trading business will be saved and the contract for the supply of at least 50 million tons of oil to China will continue to operate.

Andrei Kostin again became a forced friend of Oleg Deripaska


VTB took shares of the En + Group group on the pledge of the Chinese CEFC.

Qatar replaced for "Rosneft" China


Qatar investment fund QIA saves a deal to privatize the state stake in Rosneft.

Mega-transaction on the privatization of the stake in Rosneft has burst


The Glencore and QIA consortium announced the termination of the agreement to sell the stake in Rosneft to the Chinese CEFC.

Igor Sechin's partner from China turned out to be a rogue bankrupt


At the end of the "multitrack" launched by the Kremlin in December 2016 to privatize the stake in Rosneft was the head of the Chinese CEFC corporation E Jianming. His company expectedly delayed the first tranche ($ 1.8 billion) of payment for a 14.16% stake in Rosneft, and the deal actually collapsed.

CEFC did not officially refuse to purchase toxic shares of Rosneft


It's just that the Chinese company has problems with the authorities of the China and Western banks, and therefore it cuts half of its staff.

Emir of Qatar expects from Vladimir Putin promised buyers for the shares of "Rosneft"


Mnogodhodovochka with the sale of shares of Rosneft has reached a dead end. The Chinese CEFC still has a week to pay 1.5 billion euros for Rosneft shares, but the Chinese company does not intend to buy these securities.

The broken plan of Igor Sechin


The attempt to "break through the sanctions blockade" and sell a large stake in Rosneft to respected Chinese investors has failed. CEFC Corporation postponed the deal for an indefinite period.

"Rosneft" was not needed by the Chinese


CEFC postponed for an indefinite period the purchase of a 14.2% stake in Igor Sechin for $ 9.1 billion. As a result, the whole "multiyear" with the sale of 19% of the shares of the state company to foreign investors indecently hovered in the air.

"Rosneft" limited from the East and the West


Its partners CEFC and ExxonMobil were faced with problems.

The Chinese CEFC has no money to buy 14% in Rosneft


The completion of the transaction for the sale of 14.16% of Rosneft to the Chinese CEFC was postponed from the end of 2017 to the first half of 2018. The total volume

"Rosneft" sold to the Chinese for Russian money


In the epic scheme of searching for a "serious foreign investor" for a stake in Rosneft, the state bank VTB again wedged in.

VTB will finance the purchase of Chinese shares of Rosneft


The bank issued a loan to CEFC for 5 billion euros secured by the 14.16% stake in Rosneft it buys. It remains only to wait for the Chinese to return the documents they do not need and the billion-dollar deal will be closed.

Rosneft opened for the Chinese


Negotiations began to sell a stake in the Russian oil company.